Anyone But Bush?
What Should Progressives Do in 2004?
Saturday, March 27, at 4:00 P.M.
with Special Guests:
Peter Camejo
2003 Green Party Candidate for Governor of California
Howie Hawkins
Chair, Onondoga County Green Party

25 West 43rd St, 19th Fl (btwn 5th & 6th Aves)
F/B/D/V train to 42nd St.--any train to Times Square

call 212-240-0501 or email
call 212-240-0501 or email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for more info

Co-Sponsored by:
Bronx Greens, International Socialist Organization, New York Socialist
Project, North Brooklyn Greens, Park Slope Greens, Socialist Alternative,
Solidarity, West Queens Greens, Westside Greens**

**Participation in this event does not indicate support for a particular
presidential candidate.

Camejo, who came in third in the 2002 race for Governor of California, will
address crucial issues facing progressives in the upcoming presidential
elections. He will also discuss issues facing the Green Party in California,
such as his campaign's breakthrough in the televised debates for the
Governor's race, the strong showing by the Green candidate in the Mayor's
race in San Francisco, and polls showing that Blacks and Latinos made up a
significant portion of the Green vote.

Camejo and others have recently formed the Avocado Education Project, a
nonprofit designed to provide a forum for the debate within the United
States on the issue of multi-party democracy. Visit <>
for details.

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