Ellen Goodman in today’s San Francisco Chronicle says that atheist Michael
Newdow’s constitutional challenge to the American Pledge of Allegiance may
be nettlesome, but raises important questions of principle.

Newdow, an emergency room doctor with a law degree, was allowed to argue his
own case before the Supreme Court that the reference in the pledge to “one
nation under God” violates the constitutional separation of church and
state. Newton had earlier won his point in a California lower court, and was
defending it on appeal. The Supreme Court ruling is expected in June.

Goodman notes that 90% of Americans support the pledge, and, as another
Chronicle report indicates, Newdow has some of the eccentric traits
associated with crusading atheists.

“Who needs this in the middle of an election? Why stir up the culture wars?
Why make such a big deal of two little words? Aren't there bigger fish to
fry?”, writes Goodman. “Here's the problem”, she adds, “Newdow is right”.

So unfortunately is author Susan Jacoby commenting in the article on the
powerful connection between religion and patriotism in American life.

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