Chris Doss wrote:
It is clear why Russia could not have tolerated Chechnya being used
indefinitely as a safe haven for such forces and as a potential base for
further attacks on Russia. For how long would the United States tolerate
such a situation in a neighboring state?

This is exactly the excuse that Turkey gave when it attacked Kurds inside Iraq. Modern states incorporating the most retrograde features of the Czarist and Ottoman Empire should not receive such uncritical support here. This is fundamentally about access to oil, not about preserving secular values or fighting terrorism.

CONFLICT-CAUCASUS: Petrodollars Behind the Chechen Tragedy

By Sergei Blagov

MOSCOW, Dec 7 (IPS) - As the Russian army tightens its grip around the
Chechen capital of Grozny and Moscow becomes increasingly assertive,
analysts stress that manoeuvring over huge oil-transit deals is the
real issue of the Chechen war.

On Tuesday, Russian primer minister Vladimir Putin rejected politely,
but in unequivocal terms, the western criticism for Russia's ultimatum
Monday to Grozny's civilians - to leave the city  before Dec 11, or die
under artillery and air fire.

Human rights activists argue that thousands of elderly and ill
civilians trapped in Grozny face death in the coming days. The Russian
military dismiss the allegation, arguing that most of those left in the
city are Muslim rebels, using civilians as a human shield.

It has been often said that disputes over oil transit are behind the
tragedy in unruly Chechnya - seen as the biggest security threat in the

Russia has been keen to use its Baku-Novorossiisk export route for
Azerbaijani ''early'' oil exports. But the pipe crosses over 153
kilometres of Chechen territory, which makes it unreliable as long as
the country is lawless.

"Early" oil is the first crude to be exported from three Azerbaijani
offshore fields being developed under a multi-billion-dollar project.
Larger quantities are expected to flow early next century from the
Caspian basin, considered to be one of the world's most important new
sources of fossil fuels.

At first the Russians tried to negotiate with the rebellious Chechens'
leaders. After a hard bargaining process, on September 9 1997 Russian
and Chechen officials signed an agreement to allow the Azerbaijani oil
travel through the separatist republic.

Under this agreement,Transneft, the Russian operator, agreed to pay a
43-cent fee per ton of oil, down from the 2.2 dollars initially
demanded by the Chechens. Russia also agreed to take care of
maintenance and security, but the flow was soon halted after armed
gangs began stealing large amounts of oil.

Then the Russians decided to build an alternative pipeline in Dagestan
- to bypass the Chechen section. But inroads by Chechen militants into
Dagestan last August showed that this option was unsafe too.

It was then that the second Chechen war commenced.

In addition, presumed terrorist threat is feared to hold up the
construction of a 1,600-kilometre link between the Tengiz oil field in
Kazakhstan and a Black Sea port near Novorossiisk, known as the Caspian
Pipeline Consortium (CPC).

The consortium - established back in 1992 by the governments of Russia,
Kazakhstan and Oman - is Russia's main hope to become the main agent in
moving Caspian oil, said Vladimir Stanev, Russia's deputy Fuel and
Energy minister.

In December 1996, 50 percent  of CPC's shares were sold to
international oil corporations, effectively turning the consortium into
the largest privately-financed oil infrastructure project in the former
Soviet states.

The project, worth 2.5 billion dollars, is expected to be completed by
June 30, 2001, CPC's director general Viktor Fedotov told IPS.

The 750-kilometre Russian section of the pipeline is expected to be
finished by the end of December 2000 with the first tanker scheduled to
leave in June next year.

The consortium plans to start pumping half-a-million barrels per day by
October 2001. Shareholders have invested some 700 million dollars
during 1999, and they plan to raise the figure up to 1.3 billion in
2000, Vagit Alekperov, head of Russia's LUKoil said.

Some 60 percent of the investment comes from the two largest private
shareholders - LUKoil and Chevron, he said.

On December 2, prime minister Putin met with Fedotov, Alekperov and
Chevron's president of international operations Richard Matzke,
promising the government's support  to the project.

Putin, nominated by ailing president Boris Yeltsin as his chosen
successor, is also widely seen as the mastermind of the military
campaign in Chechnya.

The CPC will be a great success, Matzke announced. ''My general
attitude is of complete satisfaction with it. CPC will bring wealth to
all participants,'' he told IPS.

''After meeting with Putin we are sure that we are going to honour our
commitments,'' Alekperov commented. ''We have a variety of exploration
projects in the Caspian and our oil will also go through this CPC
pipeline,'' he said.

LUKoil, which has drilled its first offshore well in the north Caspian
Sea, holds a 12.5 percent stake in the consortium. The pipeline will
transport oil from the Tengiz and possibly also from the Karachaganak
oil fields, where LUKoil has 5 and 15 percent stakes respectively.

The CPC pipeline - expected to have an initial capacity of 28.2 million
tons of oil a-year and a maximum of  67 million - is presumed  to be
the Russian response to the Baku-Ceyhan oil-pipeline project signed
between Turkey and Azerbaijan at the OSCE summit in Istanbul last
month, at a ceremony attended by US president Bill Clinton.

This new link  - heavily supported by the US - would  leave Russia
virtually out of the business of transporting Azerbaijani oil from the
Azeri, Chirag and Gyuneshli offshore fields.

The Russian government expects revenues of some 23.3 billion dollars
from the project within the next 40 years, while Kazakhstan plans to
earn 8.2 billion. However, now the planned revenues look far from
certain as the trans-Georgia pipeline and a new terminal at Supsa on
the Black Sea are ready for oil exports.

''We advocate a diversity of oil transit projects,'' Alekperov said.
However, given the size of proven Caspian reserves - ''the CPC and
Georgian routes will definitely be enough to transit Caspian oil within
the next 10-15 years,'' he said, implying that Ceyhan pipeline is not
economically viable.

Some Russian analysts argue that Turkey and the US are supporting the
Ceyhan project so as to elbow Russia off the Caspian. Furthermore,
Ankara's  quiet support to the Chechen militants has been said to be
designed to sustain volatility in the northern Caucasus - which would
make it impossible for the competing CPC project to proceed.

There have also been fears that in case of a Russian military success
in Chechnya, Turkey could simply close the Bosporus and Dardanelles for
Russian oil transit, using  environmental concerns over possible spills
as an excuse.

''I do not think Turkey could go that far to block - in clear violation
of international treaties - oil shipments from the Black Sea in favour
of its pipeline to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, Stanev, the
Russian deputy minister said.

Whoever right - manoeuvring over crude transit and big oil dollars are
likely to remain a factor in an ongoing Chechen tragedy.  (END/IPS/eu
ap mm


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