Gene Coyle wrote:

>Thinking about job flight?  Here's your reward.

Thanks, Gene. I'll enter. I won the last essay contest I entered that was
announced on Pen-L: Robin (terrorism futures market) Hanson's "Has
Privatization gone far enough?" Since there are eight prizes in this one, a
$5,000 "show" should be a dead cinch for the Sandwichman!

& the title 'Import workers or export jobs?' shouldn't hurt because one of
the standard replies to fears that immigrants will take away jobs has been
the 'lump-of-labor fallacy' rebuttal that there is not a fixed amount of
work. The Economist has, over the past decade been the leading propagandist
against the lump-of-labor fallacy, so they should be especially impressed
when I begin my essay with the words: "There is most definitely *not* a
fixed amount of work to be done..."

Tom Walker
604 255 4812

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