[The fun part is 1/3 of the way down: even David Kay is unloading on the
Bushits now]

The Independent (UK)
29 March 2004

Iraqi defector behind America's WMD claims exposed as 'out-and-out

By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles

   The case for war against Iraq was dealt another embarrassing blow
   yesterday due to claims by an American newspaper that the first-hand
   intelligence source on Saddam Hussein's alleged mobile bioweapons labs
   was a politically motivated Iraqi defector now dismissed as an
   "out-and-out fabricator".

   The mobile labs, since exposed by weapons inspectors as hydrogen
   production facilities at best and phantoms at worst, were one of the
   centrepieces of the US Secretary of State Colin Powell's prewar
   address to the United Nations. As recently as January, Vice President
   Dick Cheney maintained that discovery of the labs would provide
   "conclusive" proof that Iraq possessed WMD.

   A detailed investigation in the Los Angeles Timesrevealed that the
   source claiming to have seen mobile bioweapons labs was the brother of
   one of the senior aides to Ahmed Chalabi, the leader of the Iraqi
   National Congress, who recently boasted how the erroneous information
   provided by his group achieved his long-cherished goal of toppling

   The source, given the unintentionally appropriate code name Curveball,
   was an asset of German intelligence and was never directly interviewed
   by US officials. The Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency do
   not even know exactly who he is, the LA Times reported.

   David Kay, the postwar weapons inspector whose declaration in January
   that Iraq had no WMD initiated a series of hammer-blows to the
   credibility of the Bush administration and the British government,
   described Mr Powell's use of Curveball's information before the UN as

   He told the LA Times: "If Powell had said to the Security Council:
   'It's one source, we never actually talked to him, and we don't know
   his name', I think people would have laughed us out of court."

   Mr Powell told the world on 5 February last year the administration
   had "firsthand descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels
   and on rails" capable of producing enough anthrax or botulinum toxin
   to kill "thousands upon thousands of people". He showed "highly
   detailed and extremely accurate" diagrams of how the trucks were
   configured. Revealingly, he could only produce artist renditions, not
   actual blueprints or photographs.

   Since the Powell speech, Curveball's reliability has been destroyed.
   The German foreign intelligence service, the BND, later warned the CIA
   that it had "various problems with the source". Curveball also lied
   about his academic credentials and omitted to tell his interlocutors
   he had been fired as a chemical engineer for the Iraqi army and jailed
   for embezzlement before fleeing Iraq in the late 1990s.

   The possible existence of mobile labs was touted as a theory by UN
   weapons inspectors frustrated in 1992 at their failure to find
   evidence of chemical and biological weapons programmes. (Saddam's
   son-in-law, Hussein Kamal, later defected and said they had been
   destroyed in 1991.) The UN inspectors approached Mr Chalabi for help
   in establishing the existence of the mobile labs in late 1997. Scott
   Ritter, one of the inspectors, told the LA Times: "We got hand-drawn
   maps, handwritten statements and other stuff. It looked good. But
   nothing panned out. Most of it just regurgitated what we'd given them.
   And the data that was new never checked out."

   Evidence, much of it tentative, trickled in throughout the 1990s that
   Saddam may have built mobile labs to conceal his weapons programmes.
   In 1994 Israeli military intelligence indicated that poisons were
   being made in red and white ice cream trucks and in green moving vans
   labelled "Sajida Transport" after Saddam's wife. UN inspectors later
   concluded this information was bogus.

   The role of Israeli intelligence in the case for war was the subject
   of a parliamentary report released in Jerusalem yesterday. An
   eight-month inquiry resisted the notion that Iraq's weapons of mass
   destruction did not exist, but lambasted the intelligence agencies for
   exaggerating Iraqi capabilities, particularly before the war.

   Yuval Steinitz, the parliamentarian who led the inquiry, said: "Why
   didn't we succeed in laying down a broad and deep framework so we
   could rely on reports and not speculation? That is the central

   Much the same has been said in the US by veteran intelligence
   professionals appalled by their government's manipulation of
   information and Mr Powell's UN speech. Mr Powell is likely to come
   under the closest scrutiny because he was the member of the Bush
   administration most trusted internationally and because his
   presentation seemed so convincing.

   In addition to the mobile labs, Mr Powell showed slides of what he
   said were chemical munitions facilities surrounded by "decontamination
   vehicles". The "chemical munitions" works were later identified by Mr
   Ritter and others as a site well-known to UN inspectors. The vehicles
   were later shown to have been fire engines.

   Mr Powell also showed surveillance footage of an Iraq plane dropping
   simulated anthrax in what he said was a military exercise. It later
   emerged the plane was destroyed in 1991.

   © 2004 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd

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