Joel Wendland wrote:

Bush Policies Guarantee Long-Term High Unemployment

The Bush administration's policies are part of the problem of persistent
long-term unemployment for million of Americans, not part of the solution.

An average of 80,000 jobs have been lost for each month Bush has been in
office. Bush now says he will fight for job growth if he is re-elected, but
his 2005 budget reduces funding for training and employment programs across
the board.

Bush's policies are not causing unemployment. It is the capitalist system that is responsible. Unless the government steps forward as employer of last resort, just as it was during the Great Depression (with mixed results admittedly), all promises from bourgeois politicians remain empty. is the website of one Greg Tarpinian. Pen-l'ers might
have read a Counterpunch article by Joann Wypijewski that described his
less than stellar participation in the labor movement:

"They are cozying up to Hoffa, never anyone's idea of a reformer, whose
union, despite its historic association with truckers, has shown no
interest in sectoral purity. Their liaison to Hoffa is the oily Greg
Tarpinian, listed on the NUP document as potential staff, a former
Communist who saw the light when Hoffa and Teamsters hoary bosses
started shoveling him cash to help them knock out Ron Carey. I'll never
forget a party Hoffa threw in a New York hotel room a few years ago
after Tarpinian's Labor Research Association held a fundraiser honoring
him. Tarpinian was crooning about "leftists for Hoffa" and the great
man's visions for leading a fighting labor movement while upstairs
squirrelly guys in cheap suits were hitching up their pants, hurrying
out of bedrooms in disarray, past attractive young Latinas who, in
modified bedroom scuffs and casual street wear, definitely weren't their



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