On Advertising: Selling Iraq on a new government
   Heather Timmons IHT  Monday, April 5, 2004
 LONDON In the 11 months since U.S.-led forces took Baghdad, the coalition
has tried to persuade the Iraqi people that the invasion and ensuing promise
of democracy are in their best interests.
Many in Iraq still refuse to believe it, as the savage killings in Falluja
last week demonstrated.
Now, the London-based public relations agency Bell Pottinger is trying to
reinforce that message and drive it home.
Bell Pottinger, which is known for its crisis public relations work, was
paid nearly $6 million to mount a television campaign that will air in Iraq
from this week until sovereignty is handed over at the end of June. The
firm, which will work with Bates PanGulf of WPP Group and a Baghdad-based
services company, Balloch Roe, expects to continue the campaign under a
separate contract after that time. The purpose is to persuade Iraqi factions
to try to work together peacefully to direct their own future by
participating in the national election in November.
Bell Pottinger says its mandate is to produce unbiased public service
"All we're doing is trying to keep people informed about the process and
persuade them to participate in it," said Tim Bell, chairman of Bell
Pottinger's parent company, Chime Communications.
An escalation of violence does not change that mandate, Bell said. "We deal
with circumstances as they arise," he said. "We're completely
The Americans writing the check have a more ideological take. The
commercials will carry a "message of participation in the democratic
process, and the hope for the future that democracy brings to Iraq," Michael
Pierson, the Coalition Provisional Authority's communication planner, said
by telephone from Baghdad.
Some Arabic news outlets are not sold on the idea. Said al Shouly, deputy
chief editor of Al Jazeera, the largest Arabic-language television channel,
said by telephone that he did not condone this type of advocacy advertising
in general.
Iraq would be a tough enough spot to pitch something as innocuous as
dishwashing detergent, let alone an intangible, unfamiliar political ideal.
Because the country is divided by languages, religions and tribal
associations, and still racked by violence and gunfire, Bell Pottinger has
had to carefully plan its strategy.
"In an environment where there isn't just one answer, you have to make sure
you're not exacerbating the problem," Bell said.
He would not give more details about the ads, saying that he would like to
wait until they were shown in Iraq.
There is not much of a precedent for using advertising to try to spread
democracy, and the idea needs to be carefully managed, said James Lee Ray,
professor of political science at Vanderbilt University. "I'd put a lot of
thought into trying to emphasize the congruence of democratic principles
with Islamic culture," Ray said. "I'd point to the idea that democracy is
not an American invention."
Similar campaigns have had mixed results. A U.S.-sponsored campaign in
Russia in the early 1990s that promoted capitalism by urging citizens to buy
stakes in newly privatized companies backfired, said Harry Boyte, a
professor at the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of
Public affairs. "It was seen as America meddling in Russian affairs," he
Some advertising experts said they were wary about the idea of using
television spots to push political change and encourage the growth of
"The danger here is not just a backlash against America meddling in
affairs," Boyte said. Learning about democracy through advertising could
make it seem like a product, Boyte said, one that could be blamed or
abandoned if things did not go well.
Howell James, a founding partner of the London public relations firm Brown
Lloyd James, has been appointed by Prime Minister Tony Blair to the newly
created post of permanent secretary for government communications. James is
a former political aide to the former Conservative prime minister, John
Media Square of Britain has hired Steve Haithwaite to become chief executive
of its retail marketing division. Haithwaite was previously a marketing
executive at one of Media Square's biggest clients, the British general
merchandise chain Argos. International Herald Tribune

< < Back to Start of Article LONDON In the 11 months since U.S.-led forces
took Baghdad, the coalition has tried to persuade the Iraqi people that the
invasion and ensuing promise of democracy are in their best interests.
Many in Iraq still refuse to believe it, as the savage killings in Falluja
last week demonstrated.
Now, the London-based public relations agency Bell Pottinger is trying to
reinforce that message and drive it home.
Bell Pottinger, which is known for its crisis public relations work, was
paid nearly $6 million to mount a television campaign that will air in Iraq
from this week until sovereignty is handed over at the end of June. The
firm, which will work with Bates PanGulf of WPP Group and a Baghdad-based
services company, Balloch Roe, expects to continue the campaign under a
separate contract after that time. The purpose is to persuade Iraqi factions
to try to work together peacefully to direct their own future by
participating in the national election in November.
Bell Pottinger says its mandate is to produce unbiased public service
"All we're doing is trying to keep people informed about the process and
persuade them to participate in it," said Tim Bell, chairman of Bell
Pottinger's parent company, Chime Communications.
An escalation of violence does not change that mandate, Bell said. "We deal
with circumstances as they arise," he said. "We're completely
The Americans writing the check have a more ideological take. The
commercials will carry a "message of participation in the democratic
process, and the hope for the future that democracy brings to Iraq," Michael
Pierson, the Coalition Provisional Authority's communication planner, said
by telephone from Baghdad.
Some Arabic news outlets are not sold on the idea. Said al Shouly, deputy
chief editor of Al Jazeera, the largest Arabic-language television channel,
said by telephone that he did not condone this type of advocacy advertising
in general.
Iraq would be a tough enough spot to pitch something as innocuous as
dishwashing detergent, let alone an intangible, unfamiliar political ideal.
Because the country is divided by languages, religions and tribal
associations, and still racked by violence and gunfire, Bell Pottinger has
had to carefully plan its strategy.
"In an environment where there isn't just one answer, you have to make sure
you're not exacerbating the problem," Bell said.
He would not give more details about the ads, saying that he would like to
wait until they were shown in Iraq.
There is not much of a precedent for using advertising to try to spread
democracy, and the idea needs to be carefully managed, said James Lee Ray,
professor of political science at Vanderbilt University. "I'd put a lot of
thought into trying to emphasize the congruence of democratic principles
with Islamic culture," Ray said. "I'd point to the idea that democracy is
not an American invention."
Similar campaigns have had mixed results. A U.S.-sponsored campaign in
Russia in the early 1990s that promoted capitalism by urging citizens to buy
stakes in newly privatized companies backfired, said Harry Boyte, a
professor at the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of
Public affairs. "It was seen as America meddling in Russian affairs," he
Some advertising experts said they were wary about the idea of using
television spots to push political change and encourage the growth of
"The danger here is not just a backlash against America meddling in
affairs," Boyte said. Learning about democracy through advertising could
make it seem like a product, Boyte said, one that could be blamed or
abandoned if things did not go well.
Howell James, a founding partner of the London public relations firm Brown
Lloyd James, has been appointed by Prime Minister Tony Blair to the newly
created post of permanent secretary for government communications. James is
a former political aide to the former Conservative prime minister, John
Media Square of Britain has hired Steve Haithwaite to become chief executive
of its retail marketing division. Haithwaite was previously a marketing
executive at one of Media Square's biggest clients, the British general
merchandise chain Argos

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