presented by New York Union for Radical Political Economics and the Brecht Forum

Wednesday April 14, 7:30 pm

at the Brecht Forum,  122 West 27th St., 10th floor (between 6th and 7th)

Sliding Scale: $6/$8/$10


When your lights went out on August 14, did you wonder whether there was more to it than a bad judgment call in a Midwestern utility and too many air conditioners on a hot day? When Bush's Energy Bill appeared, did you understand how corporate handouts were going to solve our energy problems? Our speakers will critique the Energy Bill and explain how deregulation and privatization of electric utilities have played a major role in creating a chaotic and expensive system of delivering electricity. Long Island energy activist Gordian Raacke will give us insights into how these national trends have affected New York State and how New Yorkers are fighting for better delivery, cheaper rates, and environmentally friendly forms of energy production. Nomi Prins will talk about corruption in the energy industry, the ongoing role of Wall Street, and the lack of meaningful reform from the Hill. Renee Toback will take us beyond electricity, with comments on the widespread popularity of privatization and deregulation among capitalists today.


Nomi Prins' book: "Other People’s Money: The Corporate Mugging of America," will be out fall 2004.  During her banking career, Nomi was managing director at Goldman Sachs and held posts at Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and the Chase Manhattan Bank. Her articles have appeared in Newsday, Fortune Magazine, The Guardian, LaVanguardia, The Left Business Observer and others places. She is a senior fellow at public policy group, Demos.

Gordian Raacke is Executive Director of the Citizens Advisory Panel, "Long Island's Energy Watchdog." CAP promotes sustainable energy policies for Long Island and advises Long Island's public about ways to improve electrical service, mitigate rate increases, control energy costs and conserve energy.

Renee Toback is an economist and a federal employee active in the National Treasury Employees’ Union. She teaches at Empire State College and works with Economy Connection (URPE) and the NLC, an anti-sweatshop research and action group.

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