There was a long article on wage equalization in a
publication which was used by scholars in the West.  I
think it was called, "Problems of Communism".  I think
the article came out in the seventies.  I read it
around 1981. If I find the reference, I'll pass it
along. Anyway, lots of talk on this subject can be
found by Googling around, including stuff embedded in
the one below.

Mike B)

--- "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MB wrote:
> >BTW, the equality of wages was something being
> planned
> and implemented in the old USSR.  For example, wages
> on collective farms were being raised by greater
> percentages than wages in the more urbanized, more
> intellectual sectors in the sixties and seventies.<
> I'm not an expert on the old USSR, but I understand
> that this was an effort to stop rural/urban
> migration. Earlier, under Stalin, the wage structure
> was made much more unequal.
> Jim D.

"Objectivity cannot be equated
with mental blankness; rather,
objectivity resides in recognizing
your preferences and then subjecting
them to especially harsh scrutiny —
and also in a willingness to revise
or abandon your theories when
 the tests fail (as they usually do)."
— Stephen Jay Gould

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