Title: Impeach

"Dirty pool," says Kerry
Kucinich of Ohio Launches
Impeachment Bill in House
Several House Republicans join effort,
say shame is "too much to carry"

WASHINGTON - The United States House of Representatives was thrown into a flurry of scrambled activity today when Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) introduced a bill that would begin the impeachment of President George W. Bush. He was joined by three other Democrats and three Republicans.

"Although I've been busy on the campaign trail for many months," Kucinich said at a press conference following the filing of the bill, "I've been in touch with the House enough to know that there is a swelling of shame on both sides of the aisle because of the nasty, nasty role the United States has been playing internationally under this depraved administration. It has got to stop."

Kucinich cited the haphazard voting mechanisms in use around the country as one element of his decision to impeach the President.

"We've become a nation of tattered ballots and dangling chads and although we have more computer programmers than any other nation, we have no way to inspect and verify the nation's electronic balloting systems. This is a grave danger to our elections and thus, our democracy," Kucinich said.

"We have no way to inspect these electronic vote counting machines because the corporations that have developed the machines will not allow public scrutiny of them. They get away with this because President Bush is in collusion with them. As we saw in the last election, Bush was the only benefactor of the failure of the counting mechanisms. Democracy and the American people were the losers."

Kucinich said his experience on the campaign trail showed him that "clearly the big media, the corporations and the administration are in cahoots on many dangerous levels.

"We've become a nation under siege. We've become a Congress under siege. We act out of fear and not vision. We've become this way because it has been designed that way by President Bush, his father before him, and by the corporations that own them."

Kucinich did not leave his own Democratic fellows without blame.

"For the most part," he said, "my fellow congresspersons are in the same scramble for the same money that has corrupted Bush and his cronies. This has got to stop. November is too late. We must impeach the President now. We have no choice. None."



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