Web Exclusives
Editor Matthew Rothschild comments on the news of the day.

April 20, 2004

Negroponte, a Torturer's Friend

Bush's announcement that he intends to appoint John Negroponte to be the
U.S. ambassador to Iraq should appall anyone who respects human rights.

Negroponte, currently U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., was U.S. ambassador to
Honduras in the 1980s and was intimately involved with Reagan's dirty war
against the Sandinistas of Nicaragua. Reagan waged much of that illegal
contra war from Honduras, and Negroponte was his point man.

According to a detailed investigation the Baltimore Sun did in 1995,
Negroponte covered up some of the most grotesque human rights abuses

The CIA organized, trained, and financed an army unit called Battalion 316,
the paper said. Its specialty was torture. And it kidnapped, tortured, and
killed hundreds of Hondurans, the Sun reported. It "used shock and
suffocation devices in interrogations. Prisoners often were kept naked and,
when no longer useful, killed and buried in unmarked graves."

The U.S. embassy in Honduras knew about the human rights abuses but did not
want this embarrassing information to become public, the paper said.

"Determined to avoid questions in Congress, U.S. officials in Honduras
concealed evidence of human rights abuses," the Sun reported. Negroponte has
denied involvement, and prior to his confirmation by the Senate for his U.N.
post, he testified, "I do not believe that death squads were operating in

But this is what the Baltimore Sun said: "The embassy was aware of numerous
kidnappings of leftists." It also said that Negroponte played an active role
in whitewashing human rights abuses.

"Specific examples of brutality by the Honduran military typically never
appeared in the human rights reports, prepared by the embassy under the
direct supervision of Ambassador Negroponte," the paper wrote. " The reports
from Honduras were carefully crafted to leave the impression that the
Honduran military respected human rights."

So this is the man who is going to show the Iraqis the way toward democracy?

More likely, as the insurgency increases, this will be the man who will
oversee and hush up any brutal repression that may ensue.

-- Matthew Rothschild


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