Chris Burford wrote:

Now in relation to Iraq the strategic dream of the Neo-Cons -
themselves defined as a group of the US intelligentsia by an unusual
and 'interesting' intellectual trajectory - was that within a new
century policed by overwhelming US hegemonic power, a whole Middle
East in which oil not only flowed smoothly to lubricate the
imperialist forces of production, but there was a bourgeois
imperialist civil society across the whole of the Near and Middle East
in which the Zionist state is smugly secure, the Palestinian refugees
are absorbed as lumpen proletariat in a supposedly expanding global
capitalist economy. Crucially that the large intelligentsia stratum of
Iraq and Iran, instead of serving state regimes openly and covertly
supporting Palestininian suicide bombers (the real axis of terrorism)
would be in the service of a liberal "middle class" largely urban
civil society, pre-occupied with cafes and minor features of
semi-privileged consumer lifestyles, in a capitalist economic
environment ultimately dominated by the largest finance capitalist
corporations, especially the US ones.

Chris, I can't parse this at all. Can you clarify? Maybe it just needs
some extra commas and semicolons...


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