So at graduation yesterday, Loyola Marymount University had the
well-known scholar, philantropist, and Catholic, Goldie Hawn. I
guess she gave what people expect, a funny speech with some
commencement-speech profundities (which differ from real
profundities). She got an honorary degree, though she never
graduated from college.

She was very nice, taking time to shake hands with a lot of the
profs. However, I didn't get a chance to ask whether or not she was
going to make a movie about Jesus (as last year's graduation speaker

I understand that Grand Canyon University gave an honorary degree to
Alice Cooper this year. I'm hoping that next year, we'll give one to
Ozzie Ozbourne or Jessica Simpson.

Wow. Goldie and I have the same Alma Mater! Cool. But I do have mixed feelings about a star who made her mark on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-in, the television program that rescued Richard "Sock it to Me" Nixon by poking fun at him, which made him palatable to certain American voters, i.e., those who think Bush W.'s verbal gaffes, Gerald Ford's klutziness, Bubba Clinton's failure to inhale and Ronald Reagan's mixing up of film events and real ones qualify them for national political leadership.

I feel like a redwood today -- a little pithy.

Dan Scanlan

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