Kerry Won't Stop the War
But independent action can

by Mark Harris
May 06, 2004


'Anybody But Bush' - You Get What You Pay For

The "Anybody But Bush" vision now has most of the progressive milieu in
its trance, but it is not a vision as much as it is a paucity of vision.
Faced with a war sparked by the extremist right-wing politics of the
Bush Administration, the best so many otherwise articulate and powerful
voices for justice can muster is an insistence on supporting whoever
happens to win the Democratic nomination. It's a telling sign now of how
truly rudderless left-progressive politics is in the United States. It's
also revealing just how desperate progressives are that a return to the
Clinton-style politics Kerry embraces is now considered almost a god-send.

In fact, the social policy of the Clinton Administration was the most
conservative of any administration since the end of World War II, as
historian Howard Zinn reminds us in the revised edition to his "A
People's History of the United States." The entire tenure of the Clinton
Administration was defined by erosion of New Deal social policy, gutting
welfare and other safety net programs, deregulating industries, union
and environmental protections, and generally cozying up to the interests
of silver spoon investors and corporate executives, the principal
beneficiaries of the era's market prosperity. The campaign slogan of
1992, "Putting People First," came to mean "putting the bond market"
first, as Edward Herman, Wharton School professor of finance, remarked a
few years ago in a Z magazine round-up on the Clinton legacy. In this
sense, the Clinton Presidency was but a stage-setting prelude to the
Republicans Gone Wild nightmare of the current administration.

Is the only choice now one of the speed of the retreat from the promise
of a better, more just society? Unfortunately, if the possibilities for
political change are viewed only through the lens of Bush versus Kerry
in November, then that is the sorry reality. But it's a mistake to view
the election as the be-all and end-all of all our hopes. Let's instead
get heretical in our thinking and declare that a neo-con Republican in
power is not inherently less responsive to pressure from "the street"
than a liberal Democrat. Historically, when has progressive social
change ever depended more or even mostly on whether a Democrat or
Republican is in office, rather than on what happens outside the
corridors of power, in the workplaces, campuses, and neighborhoods,
among the officially voiceless and disenfranchised or excluded? This is
the story of the Civil Rights movement, when sit-ins and marches and a
growing, relentless dissent compelled a bipartisan power structure, long
comfortable with Jim Crow racism, to finally sit up and take action.
This is the story of woman's suffrage, too, the Vietnam peace movement,
and labor's long quest for the eight-hour day, benefits, and such
civilized ideas like vacations. This is the story of the historical
movement of democracy itself.

Think about this: In 1970 labor activists helped secure passage of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act, viewed by many as "the most
important pro-worker legislation of the last 50 years," as Steven
Greenhouse noted in a 2002 New York Times profile of veteran labor
leader Tony Mazzochi. Notably, the OSHA legislation was passed under a
Republican administration. Those same Nixon years also saw an end to the
military draft, and legal recognition of a woman's right to choose.
Again, no thanks to Nixon or even to a "progressive" Supreme Court (it
didn't exist), but to the popular, organized activism and mobilization
of public opinion of millions of Americans. In this context, the
million-plus March for Women's Lives on April 25 did more to secure
women's reproductive rights than anything that will happen on November 4.

It might similarly be easy to credit President Clinton for passage of
such legislation as the Family Medical Leave Act, but that leaves out
the reality that the real impetus came from women's groups and unions,
who had pushed for such legislation for years. Likewise, the belief that
Clinton's early health care reform initiative failed because it was too
liberal or visionary turns reality on its head. The proposal failed
because whatever reformer's vision it could claim sank in the bog of
endless reassurances by the Administration to sectors of the insurance
industry that their profits would remain sacrosanct. But without a
mobilized public movement, even that was not enough to ensure passage of
the health care reform. This was not the case in Canada, where
historically active public support for the independent, union-based New
Democratic Party helped to eventually win passage of a single payer
health system.

If Ralph Nader, an early endorser of the small Labor Party group founded
by the late union organizer Tony Mazzochi, was actually running a
campaign advocating Mazzochi's idea of truly independent, working-class
campaigns for office, in opposition to the corporate-dominated two
parties, it could at the very least set an example of the direction
grass-roots organizing needs to go if independent political action is
ever going to gain momentum in this country.

Unfortunately, that is not what Nader is doing. The Nader campaign seeks
to oppose the Democratic Party while ostensibly trying to boost the
party, hoping to pressure Kerry from the grass-roots left to take better
positions on a host of issues. Accordingly, Nader thinks he can pull
large blocs of disillusioned nonvoters, independents, and even
Republicans into voting booths, blocs otherwise beyond Kerry's reach,
who, the thinking goes, will then invariably translate part of their
presence in the voting booth into backing for various progressive
Democrats running for local and state offices. It's a confused,
ambiguous strategy and it makes about as much sense as Michael Moore's
endorsement of General Wesley Clark, who led NATO in bombing civilian
targets in Belgrade in 1998, as a "peace" candidate for the Democratic

While Nader at least advocates getting out of Iraq (but in six months),
the problem now with all the elite debates about the future of Iraq is
the thorny problem of the Iraqi insurgency, which in one way or another,
is likely to continue growing. Of course, it's possible the U.S.
military may perpetrate a repression so thorough and bloody that it
effectively puts down the rebellion. For now. But with weapons you can
never obliterate the spirit of human resistance. They also cannot kill
everyone. The spirit of nationalism is such that the Iraqi people will
in the long run never countenance the ongoing occupation of their
country, puppet government or not, especially with the current
atrocities and killings becoming part of their collective memory. They
will one way or another be the final arbiter of the future of Iraq.

More Protest, More Demonstrations

As a labor organizer, Tony Mazzochi understood that the type of
progressive social change that endures always originates and grows from
the grass roots, from the cellar floor, challenging the existing status
quo as well as whatever conventional wisdom tells us about the limits of
what is "practical" to achieve. Social change rather happens when the
dissent in the air gets organized and visible and takes to the streets
as well as the ballot box. And getting organized has never depended upon
"lesser-evils" or benevolent elites. Our battle now is not just against
a military occupation, but against militarism itself.

Undoubtedly, last year's antiwar protests lost some of their urgency
following the quick military victory by U.S and British forces over
Saddam Hussein's government. Yet mainstream American politics is as much
a creature of paradox as it is mostly an exercise in sound bites and
personality contests. It was thus perhaps at the moment of President
Bush's most triumphal war posturing, when he paraded macho style in full
flight uniform on the flight deck of a U.S. aircraft carrier,
celebrating "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq, that a sense of the seismic
credibility chasm the Administration was about to plunge into began to
edge into fuller view.

The chasm has opened. What is unfolding now in Iraq is a political
disaster for the United States. As reports surface from Fallujah of
Marine snipers who shoot at ambulances, or civilians who step out of
their houses, or of American soldiers who sadistically abuse Iraqi
prisoners in the very prison Hussein once used for his own tortures, the
evidence mounts of the utter moral collapse this war represents for the
government of the United States.

What our political leaders have done is criminal. Under the guise of a
phantom weapons threat, the United States government started a war that
after one year of "liberation" has led not to dancing in the streets but
street combat. The beginnings of a classic nationalist rebellion against
occupation by a foreign power are now underway. Think Vietnam. Think
Algeria. With the infrastructure still in crisis, electricity spotty,
hospitals in disrepair, cities under siege, unemployment over 50
percent, union rights denied under the same Hussein-era laws, and world
opinion largely in square opposition to U.S. policy, the corporate
CEO-think that defines the Bush mind-set has proven its profound
inability to lead. At least if political leadership still has anything
to do with social justice, peace, and prosperity in the world. The
Democratic front-runner John Kerry equally shows no signs of a
fundamentally different mind-set.

The antiwar marches before the war and most recently on March 20 sent a
vibrant, defiant message that international and domestic opposition to
the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq runs deep. They must continue. Now
more than ever. Louder than ever. Bigger than ever. No matter who is in
office. The killing must stop.

Think Out Now. Bring the troops home now.

full: http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=5469


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