soula avramidis wrote:

The talk about torture is diverting opinion from occupation.. typical
Israeli tactic create new facts on the grounds to make old ones go
away.. western public opinion is mesmerized by torture because
essentially western working classes are benefiting to varying degrees
from the subordination of the third world and the increasing
differentiation in the international division of labour along national

I don't think so. The talk of torture -- which is understood to be the
reality behind the lies -- is revealing the essentially uncivilized
nature of the west to everyone. As for the working classes

by the time the US and European Jews leave the near east they would
have left behind so much destruction and suffering and so little oil
for things to matter at all. the problem is not brutality, war in
itself is ultimate ugliness and brutality. the problem is the mixing
willy-nilly of second hand emotions and morality with events as they
occur daily under war offensive and occupation. the occupation of Iraq
was not a 'just war' nor will we see 'justice in war.' but in the
meantime the 'process' of global instability will make stronger the
American economy of dollars, guns and oil.

No, actually, it's revealing how weak and incompetent it is.


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