Soula said:

> There is now an effort from many communist parties to denounce the Iraqi
communist party for collaborating in the invasion. It seems that
> their collaboration purposely or not with the US and the CIA goes back to
their vehement fight against the pan Arab project because the
> minorities represented inside the communist party feared losing class
privileges inside their post colonial countires if and when diluted in the >
Arab whole.

This seems tenuous, to say the least; what exactly were these supposed
"class privileges"? How were they reconciled with the basic character of a
"communist party"? Or were they in fact _civil_rights_, which would
undoubtedly have been diluted in a pan-Arab state, if -- for example -- one
was a Kurd, a Jew, an Turkoman, Coptic, etc?

It's interesting that _both_ of the Iraqi communist parties and the main
Shia party still oppose the insurgency. In fact, the Shia party is now
backing away from earlier calls for an immediate US withdrawal (see below).



"Interview with Abdul Aziz al Hakim"

Broadcast: 04/05/2004

Reporter: Peter Cave


CAVE: [...] As the leader of the majority Shiite party - the Shiites make up
60% of the population here - would you expect to be elected president under
a full democratic election?

HAKIM: In the name of God the most merciful - thank you for your question.
But the main priority for us is the re-establishment of stability in Iraq,
putting the country back on the right path, returning the country to its
people and looking to the next elections.

CAVE: You voted for the interim constitution which gives the right of veto
to some groups like the Kurds. You don't like that constitution neither does
the Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani . why did you vote for it?

HAKIM: Our disagreement is based on the restriction the veto will impose on
the free will of the entire Iraqi people Giving such rights to individual
communities will limit the freedom of choice of the Iraqi people - and this

is the basis of our opposition.

MUJAHIDEEN SPOKESMAN IN STREET: "This victory is a gift to the people of
Fallujah and all Iraqis. We, the Mujahideen of Fallujah, promise the honest
Iraqi people - NOT the governing council - that we will liberate Iraq
starting from the city of Fallujah".

CAVE, VOICE-OVER: Even within the Shiite religious leadership there are
power struggles as various clerics manoeuvre for a role in post war Iraq.
The most important, the Grand Ayatollah Sistani- a close ally of al Hakim,
has been treading a fine diplomatic line with the coalition. So far, he's
refused to endorse any of the plans for a new Iraqi government. Their main
rival is the outspoken young cleric Moqtada al Sadr. His private army has
been attacking US forces, and the moderates are under pressure to take a
similar anti-American stance."


CAVE: There are a lots of private militia in this country - It's said you
have a private militia, Moqtada al Sadr has private militias, the Kurds have
private militia,- is there a danger of a civil war?

HAKIM: From the beginning, even before the war started we agreed to
amalgamate all the militia into security organisations like the police and
the army. We are still trying to do that, and in our opinion this is a very
important task. We don't agree with the militia nor support their existence.
Therefore we ask for a change in the policies of the occupying forces in
handling the security situation in Iraq.

CAVE: Clearly there is a security crisis in this country. When we spoke last
year you said the Americans should leave immediately - is that still your

HAKIM: My opinion is that the occupying forces have taken the wrong
political path in trying to fix this situation, and this is a dangerous
issue. We have already expressed out viewpoint as the high Islamic council
and as a ruling committee of Iraq - but unfortunately until now we haven't
seen any serious changes to these policies.

CAVE: How long should the coalition stay - how long should they stay here
and keep the peace?

HAKIM: I think the occupying forces should follow a correct security policy
which will justify their stay here. I think when these policies are
corrected peace will prevail very soon in Iraq.

CAVE: How do you feel about Moqtadr al Sadr and what he's been doing over
the past few weeks?

HAKIM: We think that everybody should work towards the stability of Iraq and
any actions to the contrary only help the enemies of the country, such as
the followers of Saddam. And for all these reasons our principle is to
create order in Iraq, hoping to create stability, because the chaotic
situation is not to our advantage.

CAVE: Just one final question - What is your view of George Bush's War on
Terror. Do you think it is a war against Islam?

HAKIM: For the moment we just think about Iraq and its stability - to
salvage the country from this situation, to liberate it from occupation, and
to return its sovereignty.


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