Georgia Passes Laws Limiting Protests
Sun Apr 18, 1:34 PM ET

By RUSS BYNUM, Associated Press Writer

BRUNSWICK, Ga. - Robert Randall never knew free speech could cost so
much - in dollars and in compromises - until he tried to organize a
large-scale, peaceful demonstration for this summer's G-8 summit.

The coastal city of Brunswick, where Randall hopes to gather up to
10,000 people to protest the world leaders' summit, passed a law last
month that places conditions on public demonstrations.

Organizers of protests like Randall's "G-8 Carnival" must put up
refundable deposits equal to the city's estimated cost for clean up
and police protection. Demonstrations may only last 2 hours, 30
minutes. Signs and banners may not be carried on sticks that might be
brandished as weapons. And the signs may not be larger than 2-by-3

"This law would not exist if the G-8 was not coming here," said
Randall, 51, a local therapist who has attended demonstrations since
the Vietnam War. "It makes it impossible to express oneself through
assembly or speech on public property unless you have money."

Thousands of anti-globalization protesters are expected June 8-10 when
President Bush (news - web sites) hosts the leaders of Britain, Japan,
Germany, Italy, France, Canada and Russia on secluded Sea Island.

Brunswick, Savannah and surrounding counties have passed ordinances
governing protest permits. The American Civil Liberties Union (news -
web sites) has threatened to sue, saying the laws "place impermissible
limits on free speech."

Observers say the cities' actions fit a national pattern of managing
dissent with beefed up laws and police powers that constrict
constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and assembly.

The new laws are a response to the violent protests during the 1999
World Trade Organization (news - web sites) meeting in Seattle and the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001.

Demonstrators are facing some of their toughest restrictions since the
1960s, said Ronald Collins of the First Amendment Center in Arlington,

"Post-Seattle and 9-11, it seems more municipalities are considering
measures that may well undermine existing First Amendment law," he

Miami banned props such as water pistols, balloons and sticks before
demonstrators arrived for a global trade summit in November. The city
repealed the law last month in the face of lawsuits.

On Thursday, federal appeals court judges ruled that an Augusta, Ga.,
ordinance violated the rights of a women's group that sought to
protest outside the all-male Augusta National Golf Club during the
2003 Masters golf tournament.

The ordinance, adopted just before the tournament, let police keep
protesters a half-mile from the club's gates and required a permit for
any assembly of five or more people. The appeals court said the law
"creates the opportunity for undetectable censorship."

Activists also have complained that security plans for so-called "free
speech zones" at the Democratic Convention in Boston will keep
protesters from being seen or heard.

Cities "are choosing sides and what they're doing is trying to silence
people from speaking out," said Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, a Washington
attorney and co-founder of the Partnership for Civil Justice. "And
they're using the law as a political tool to do it."

During the G-8 summit in Georgia, both Brunswick and Savannah expect
to see protesters.

Brunswick is the nearest inland community to Sea Island, which will be
off limits to demonstrators. Savannah, 60 miles north, will house
5,000 international journalists and dignitaries.

With the summit less than two months away, neither city has approved
any permits for demonstrations - in part, activists say, because of
steep requirements.

Brunswick requires groups of six or more to apply for permits at least
20 days before an event. The city's ordinance sets no limit on
deposits, and says permits may be denied if a demonstration is likely
to congest traffic, impede commerce or endanger the public.

Savannah's law is similar but does not specify the size of groups
needing permits, which the ACLU says could be applied to one person.

City officials have said that protesters wanting to use public parks
will be charged the same fees - $150 to $700 per day - as people
renting those spaces for private events such as weddings. Groups of
150 or more must pay maintenance deposits of $1.50 per head.

Savannah Mayor Otis Johnson declined to comment, citing the threat of
litigation from the ACLU. But City Attorney James Blackburn told the
Savannah Morning News the city would review the ordinance in light of
the appellate decision on the Augusta lawsuit.

In Brunswick, Randall says he's waiting to find a site for his
demonstration before requesting a permit. The city's mayor says the
city is trying to help him.

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