Last night I turned on the Simpsons for the first time in months--ten
minutes into the show. The family were guests on a Fox-TV type show with
the host browbeating them for not loving America enough. When Marge and
Lisa tell him something to the effect that if loving America means
mindless flag-waving, then they don't love it.

This leads to them being rounded up and thrown into Alcatraz where every
cell is occupied by liberals or leftists, including former President
Bill Clinton. They go to re-education sessions where they learn that the
Bill of Rights was a bad idea.

The show was filled with pointed references to anti-Arab bashing, the
herd mentality in the media and assaults on our civil liberties. Great

I have also heard that SNL has begun to skewer the Bush White House
mercilessly. I strongly suspect that the the tide of mindless patriotism
that began after 9/11 is beginning to turn. This makes Michael Moore's
new documentary all the more promising. While he certainly fucked up
with his endorsement of Wesley Clark, he can redeem himself with a
strong new film.


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