Add Matrix (Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information EXchange) and NIMD
(The Novel Intelligence from Massive Data) to US-Visit and CAPPS II.
In addition, the General Accounting Office's report to "the Ranking
Minority Member, Subcommittee on Financial Management, the Budget,
and International Security, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S.
Senate" says that "[o]ur survey of 128 federal departments and
agencies on their use of data mining shows that 52 agencies are using
or are planning to use data mining. These departments and agencies
reported 199 data mining efforts, of which 68 are planned and 131 are
operational" ("Data Mining: Federal Efforts Cover a Wide Range of
Uses," May 2004). What we have, in effect, is the Total/Terrorist
Information Awareness program -- whose funding Congress ostensibly
terminated last September (except "the program hereby authorized for
processing, analysis, and collaboration tools for counterterrorism
foreign intelligence . . . for which funds are expressly provided in
the National Foreign Intelligence Program for counterterrorism
foreign intelligence purposes") -- reloaded under different names.

The full posting at

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* Bring Them Home Now! <>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
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