According to an arab intellectual who worked on the ground organising... 'the american appointed government is no more than funeral procession waiting to happen'

Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Interesting public debate in the Security Council, with Zebari taking
full advantage of its attention, and other powers like China, France,
Germany and Russia, enjoying keeping the hegemons waiting for
approval. Time is not on Bush's side. Everyone knows that.

While saying that a specific deadline for withdrawal of troops would
not be helpful Zebari emphasised the wording of the resolution should
be strengthened to emphasise full sovereignty for Iraqis - which
sounds like encouragement for an amendment that the hegemonic troops
will leave whenever the Iraqis request it, rather than subject to a
Security Council resolution which the US and UK could veto.

The subtleties of inter-imperialist rivalry these days!

Chris Burford

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