Re: new megafraud controversy raging in Venezuela: imperialism or Chavez
by Perelman, Michael
04 June 2004 21:26 UTC < < <
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What a wonderful example of American imperialism!  On a more
note, Michael, what are the prospects for a recall?
Hi Michael,
        I've dated
my response because I can only say what it looks like at this very
moment. Any discussion of the prospects has to recognise that there is a
long history of electoral fraud here, that in addition to the domestic
tradition there is the support that can be expected from the usual
suspect (which won't bother to function through the National Endowment
for Destruction) and, of course, that there is the potential and
likelihood of further disruptions to the economy with the idea of
creating despair in the population which currently supports Chavez.
        That said,
it is essential to recognise that all that was necessary to trigger the
recall referendum was 20% (or roughly 2.4 million) of the electorate from
the last time. Very few semi-objective observers last year thought it
unlikely that the opposition had much less than 30% support. Although the
opposition goal during the signature campaign at the end of last November
was to get 3.8 million (thus giving them more than Chavez had received to
win--- which would have allowed them to say, "Chavez out
now!"), despite an incredible amount of fraud they were well below
this. Because of irregularities (some innocent), the Electoral Council
threw out many signatures and assigned others to be 'repaired' (ie.,
people had to show up and prove their legitimacy); in the end, they
barely got their necessary signatures. On this count, the opposition does
not look especially strong.
        But, they
are organised--- the NED-financed SUMATE organisation has extensive
computer records on the electorate, and the party organisations that
compose the opposition have experienced, committed and disciplined cadres
able to bring out their support. In contrast, the Chavist supporters,
although likely more in number, demonstrated on this occasion that they
were very poorly organised. The Commando Ayacucho, the group assembled
from the various Chavist parties to coordinate this recent campaign
(which included the attempt to recall opposition legislators), revealed
that it had strong individual spokespeople able to attack the opposition
and to make rousing, confident speeches but that it lacked the
organisation and discipline to deliver what it promised. (This has led to
considerable criticism from the barrios and elsewhere.) So, the central
question, I think, is whether the Chavist forces will learn adequately
from these events. The referendum campaign is an excellent opportunity to
deepen the Bolivarian Revolution and to raise both the consciousness and
the organisational capacity of those who support it.
        It is
important to recognise that at every step of the way, the process here
has been propelled forward by the action of the opposition. In achieving
the threshold for a recall referendum on Chavez, the opposition has
provided the government with a gift--- the opportunity to turn this into
a request for a mandate on its education, health and social programmes,
on its attempt to create a new social economy, indeed into a mandate on
the constitution itself. Chavez himself will certainly frame the issues
this way. But, the results will depend on the concrete steps taken at the
base to organise the masses of poor who have been the principal
beneficiaries of the government; if new, effective forms of organisation
are not developed--- in the face of everything that the opposition, the
Bush government and capital will throw at the government, then a
successful recall is possible.
        In short,
to coin a phrase, pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.


Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6

Currently based in Venezuela. Can be reached at
Residencias Anauco Suites
Departamento 601
Parque Central, Zona Postal 1010, Oficina 1
Caracas, Venezuela
(58-212) 573-4111
fax: (58-212) 573-7724

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