June 21, 2004 -- In this Issue:

Note from the Editor:    Let's begin with something special, shall we?
Curious about "Yiddishkayt?" Interested in the connection between
Jewish popular culture and the American Left? Fascinated by the
urban Jewish milieu of New York City's lower east side as it "wends
its way from Vaudeville to contemporary television?" Want to learn
more? Then you must read Louis Proyect's superb review of the latest
book written by his friend Paul Buhle, "From the Lower East Side to
Hollywood." Louis, who's both Jewish and Marxist, weaving his web
around Buhle, himself not Jewish but fluent in Yiddish, makes for a
fascinating read! Not to be missed; it's one of Proyect's very best

Elsewhere, in the skunk-stinking trenches of US politics, the Bush
cabal now finds itself defending its war on Iraq with an "it depends on
what the definition of 'collaborator' is" strategy for damage control,
thus ironically emulating the Clintonesque approach to debating the
meaning of "is." With Bush's poll ratings heading steadily south, the
ABBers are waiting, no, hoping, no, praying for Kerry to exhibit
something, anything, they can wrap their arms around should he get
elected. First-time Swans contributor Bill Eger provides an insightful
analysis of our one-sided "democracy" in which voters have no power
over candidates once they are elected, and the political parties hold
no accountability to the candidates or the people. The speculation of a
Kerry-McCain ticket has been firmly squashed -- but what of a
McCain VERSUS Kerry strategy for the Republicans? Could Kerry
defeat McCain? asks Manuel García. John Blunt has some
suggestions for Mr. Kerry should he want to be a "true" leader; and
wise Milo Clark, examining the nature of progress and "progressives,"
takes a simpler, down-to-earth approach: clear out Washington so we
can get on with it. (In the next few issues, we'll keep providing a series
of opinions on the coming US presidential election.)

Now, imagine all our "great leaders," deep down in hell's inferno,
defending themselves to the devil... Phil Rockstroh does just that with
a "heated" exchange between Ronnie and Satan -- and it's no surprise
whose logic prevails. Richard Macintosh, incensed by the utter
immorality of the US war machine, muses over the fragility of the
whole edifice and utilizes logic to debunk the imperial agenda,
represented in Philip Greenspan's construct of Uncle Sam as "Bullshit

Even worse, we had to suffer the unbearable loss of "The Genius,"
Ray Charles. He was only 73 and we had all long been lulled into
believing, hoping, he was as timeless and immortal as his music (it's
the wrong dude who died at 93 the other day...). So here is another
special: Thanks to the generosity of Bruce Anderson and the
"Anderson Valley Advertiser," we are publishing three of their odes to
Ray; along with one of our own, which explores a few memories
regarding Mr. Charles and American music, as well as Americana and
a week of encomia for a cold and fake president.

Letters to a Young Poet and more Letters to the Editor round out this
issue. As always, please form your OWN opinion, and let your
friends (and foes) know about Swans.


Here are the links to all the pieces:
Paul Buhle's "From the Lower East Side to Hollywood"
 - Book Review by Louis Proyect
Reviving Political Parties: The Last Chance For Democracy
 - by Bill Eger
McCain Versus Kerry?
 - by Manuel Garcia, Jr.
Letter To John Kerry
 - by John Blunt
The Bankruptcy Of Progress: The Challenge Of Today
 - by Milo Clark
Ronald Reagan Receives Sympathy From The Devil
 - by Phil Rockstroh
 - by Richard Macintosh
Uncle Sam, The Bullshit Virtuoso
 - by Philip Greenspan
Remembering Ray
 - by Chili Bill
Not Joe Isuzu; Not Mr. Whipple: The Greatest Republican
 - by Garry Goodrow
Goodbye, Ray
 - by Tom Reier
Ron And Ray
 - by Gilles d'Aymery
Final EIS For SBCT Transformation In Hawai'i
 - by Milo Clark
Letters to a Young Poet (Letter Eight)
 - by Rainer Maria Rilke
Letters to the Editor


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Gilles d'Aymery

"Hungry man, rush for the book: It is a weapon."  B. Brecht


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