Daniel wrote:

2.  Chuck it into the bonds of more or less politically palatable
emerging market countries.  Venezuela has a few series of quite
high-yielding bonds available, and buying them would both help
Chavez to buy a little time to fend off the hegemon, and offer the
possibility of a nice capital gain when and if he eventually fails
and Vene becomes a US protectorate.  Sort of a win-win situation, if
you have a rather perverse definition of what constitutes a "win".

As I don't have the means to act on your advice, alas, I took the liberty of posting the above to my blog:

Daniel Davies of D-Squared Digest (who nowadays mainly posts to
Crooked Timber) says:

I have two pieces of Marxist financial advice (note to regulators: no
I don't). Depending on your own financial circumstances and risk
appetite, blah blah, I would:

1. Find a life assurance company run by people you trust and chuck it
all into one of their long-dated policies.

or for the more adventurous

2. Chuck it into the bonds of more or less politically palatable
emerging market countries. Venezuela has a few series of quite
high-yielding bonds available, and buying them would both help Chavez
to buy a little time to fend off the hegemon, and offer the
possibility of a nice capital gain when and if he eventually fails
and Vene becomes a US protectorate. Sort of a win-win situation, if
you have a rather perverse definition of what constitutes a "win".
(Progressive Economists Network, June 23, 2004)

Good advice. Despite the Venezuelan oligarchy's repeated attempts at
economic sabotage, Hugo Chávez's record of debt management has been
excellent, and high oil prices and big foreign reserves should
continue to bolster investor confidence:

* "I think Chavez will stay in power, whether he avoids the recall or
holds the vote and wins," said Jose Pedreira, a managing director at
LW Asset Management, a New York-based hedge fund.

Wall Street, put off by Chavez's anti-capitalist rhetoric but
impressed by the country's debt management policies, sees smooth
sailing for Venezuelan sovereign bonds. They have already rewarded
holders with total returns of 34.6 percent so far this year while the
rest of the market is up 27 percent.

Venezuela total returns have risen 3.6 percent since Dec. 1 while JP
Morgan's Emerging Markets Bond Index Plus has edged just 1.6 percent
higher. . . .

"Venezuela bond prices have been going higher because, at the end to
the day, Venezuela is in good shape in terms of being able to pay its
debts," Pedreira said. "Other emerging market countries offer much
less yield, which continues to make Venezuela attractive." (Hugh
Bronstein/Reuters, "Venezuela Bonds Seen Rising above Political
Woes," December 7, 2003)

* Venezuela offered to buy back $1 billion of six-month
dollar-denominated bonds after a surge in oil prices swelled
government coffers.

The government, which had sold the securities to local investors in
March, offered to buy the 1.15 percent notes due Sept. 30, 2004, at
100 cents on the dollar, or par.

"They've had huge revenue off the oil side for quite some time and
huge reserve levels," said Enrique Alvarez, a Latin American debt
analyst with research company IDEAglobal in New York. "And they're
very comfortable repurchasing this since they're done selling dollar
debt the rest of this year."

Venezuelan oil has averaged $30 a barrel this year, more than the
$18.50 estimate the government used to calculate this year's budget.
Venezuela, the world's fifth largest crude supplier, will likely
receive between $5 billion and $7 billion of extra oil income this
year, Central Bank Director Armando Leon said last month. (Alex
Kennedy, "Venezuela Offers to Buy Back $1 Billion of Bonds,"
Bloomberg.com, June 7, 2004)

* Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez "has almost unlimited supplies of
cash, with Venezuelan oil selling at over $30 a barrel, foreign
reserves of more than $23 billion, and few qualms about using public
funds to bolster his campaign for a 'no' vote" (Phil Gunson, "Chávez
Well-armed in Recall Battle," Miami Herald, June 22, 2004).

Credit rating agencies have been extremely tough on Venezuela, to be
sure, but that's only because they are politically motivated.
Bondholders have not lost confidence in the Bolivarian Republic:

Venezuela, for instance, is rated Caa1 by Moody's -- one of the
lowest ratings, even among high-yield, or "junk," bonds -- and a full
two notches below Brazil's B2 high-yield rating. Yet yields for
Venezuelan bonds are comparable to those of Brazil. That means the
market isn't demanding a higher premium from Venezuela, despite the
lower rating.

Investors like Mr. Hopper say this is understandable. Venezuela is a
big oil producer and boasts foreign reserves that more than cover its
debt, while Brazil's don't. "Venezuela has been volatile, and at
times overdiscounted by the market," he says. "The ratings agencies
have contributed to that." (Craig Karmin/The Associated Press,
"Ratings Take on Political Risk," June 21, 2004)


* Critical Montages: <http://montages.blogspot.com/>
* Bring Them Home Now! <http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
<http://www.freepress.org/calendar.php>, & <http://www.cpanews.org/>
* Student International Forum: <http://sif.org.ohio-state.edu/>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osudivest.org/>
* Al-Awda-Ohio: <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Al-Awda-Ohio>
* Solidarity: <http://www.solidarity-us.org/>

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