Dr. Harry G. Levine,

I had assumed that the author of the VV hatchet-job on Nader was some
snot-nosed kid on George Soros's payroll. I was surprised to discover
that it was instead written by a Queens College sociology professor:


(My advice, btw, is to trim the hair and beard. You are not 30 any more.)

You have 2 articles on your website, one the VV article with the racist
title and a similar one with the alternative title "RALPH NADER AS MAD
BOMBER". What's with the bomb obsession, anyhow? If you had allowed
yourself just a tad more rhetorical excess, you might have wound up with
something like "Ralph Nader, oily Arab, go back where you came from."

I see that you relied on the wretched G. William Domhoff for advice on
your articles. This makes perfect sense. 35 years ago he earned some
distinction for analyzing American class structure. In more recent years
his attention seems to have turned toward the study of dreams and the
need to vote for any Democrat, no matter how stinky. These two topics
are obviously closely related.

My suggestion to you is to take some Paxil or something to get rid of
this obsession with Ralph Nader. Furthermore, you should not blame him
for Gore's defeat in 2000. My old friend Peter Camejo told a news
conference that over 200,000 registered Democrats in Florida voted for
Bush that year. He also was sure that not a single Green Party member
voted for Bush. If so, he demanded that the person turn himself in

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