NEW BOOKS now available from THE MERLIN PRESS

PERRY ANDERSON, Marxism and the New Left Paul Blackledge

For over forty years Perry Anderson, has been one of the most influential figures on the intellectual Left. Through his writings, his publishing, his editing of New Left Review, and teaching at UCLA, he has introduced and disseminated a range of European Marxist opinion to the English speaking world: Deutscher, Gramsci, Sartre, Lukács, Althusser, Poulantzas, to name a few. His own books are seminal contributions to political theory. This survey of Anderson’s works explores a myriad of political writings, considers the evolution of an influential current of New Left thinking from the 1960’s onwards, and reviews its engagement with critical theorists such as Brenner, Fukuyama and Jameson.

--A critical survey of Marxist and Post-Modernist theories

--Explains New Left evolutions: from revolutions in the 1960’s - to the post-modernist, third way 1990’s

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Why America Went to War in the Gulf

by Stephen C. Pelletière

Stephen C. Pelletière is the author of The Kurds: An Unstable Element in the Gulf. He was the Central Intelligence Agency's senior political analyst on Iraq throughout the Iran-Iraq War.

Did the United States go to war against Iraq in both 1991 and 2003 to secure control of oil from the Persian Gulf?

This book explains:

--How the Persian Gulf came under the control of a coercive cartel with benefits for members that were denied to outsiders.

--The history of the oil system that evolved in the United States: its roots in Pennsylvania, through Texas "wildcatters" and the dominance of Standard Oil barons.

--The central role of oil in conflicts in Central Asia

--The introduction and conclusion address the motivations behind the most recent war in Iraq.

Pbk ISBN 0 85036 551 1 GB Pounds 14.95

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Edited by:

Leo Panitch, Colin Leys, Alan Zuege and Martijn Konings

Over the past decade the contributors to Socialist Register have been widely recognised as providing the most distinctive investigations on the left today of the contradictions of globalisation, the internationalisation of the state, progressive competitiveness, the new imperialism and popular global mobilisations against it.

This anthology provides:

--The most searching analyses of the political, economic and cultural contradictions of globalisation available – essential reading for students in troubled times

--The best set of readings on the role of states - and especially the American state - in making globalisation happen, and on the problems they now confront in trying to keep it going.

ISBN 0 85036 516 3 GB Pounds 16.95 pbk

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also available, published for the editors by VIVEKA, India


Editors: Jai Sen, Anita Anand, Arturo Escobar, Peter Waterman.

A critical anthology of essays on the theory and practice of the Forum, with essays by wo/men from many parts of the world, with many different points of view.

An event and an open space for debate and discussion. A forum for the articulation of alternatives embodied in the call, "Another World is Possible !" A process of continuous promotion, expansion, and protection of the open space by and for millions of people worldwide. The World Social Forum has indeed progressed from the unprecedented event it was in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in January 2001 when 25,000 to 30,000 people came to challenge the World Economic Forum being held during those very days in Davos, Switzerland.

Reading through the thoughtful discussions of those that have seen and experienced the evolution of the Forum, I am amazed at how easily I turn to my experiences in the women's movement to understand the questions now being raised. To achieve our dream of "another world," why don't we take greater control of the discussions, strategise together and methodically work on a plan to bring about that change ? Why not create a movement or an organisation ? How do we involve more people and groups worldwide in the process without really directing the process?

Forty writers and organisations have contributed to this collection including: MICHAEL ALBERT, SAMIR AMIN, WALDEN F BELLO, JEREMY BRECHER, SUSAN GEORGE, MICHAEL LöWY, ARUNDHATI ROY, NAWAAL EL SAADAWI.

CONTENT - Forewords - Section 1: Antecedents: Critical Perspectives - Section 2: Diaries: The Experience Of The Wsf - Proem- Anita Anand - Section 3: Critical Engagements: The World Social Forum - Section 4: Globalising The Forum: The Forum In India - Section 5: Looking Beyond- Possible Futures, Possible Worlds - Glossary - References - Indexes.

Readership: General, Academic, Library Keywords: WORLD SOCIAL FORUM, GLOBALISATION, EMPIRE, GENDER, CONFLICT, LABOUR, DEVELOPMENT, POST-CAPITALISM, SOLIDARITY 241x 180mm; xxviii+402pp. EAN: 9788188251179 Published 1.7.04

Published for the editors by VIVEKA, ISBN 81 88251 17 8

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Larkin, Connolly and the Dublin Labour Movement


Senior lecturer in the School of History and Cultural Studies, Bath Spa University College,

REBEL CITY is a study of the great labour revolt in Ireland and of the development of Irish trade unionism and syndicalism. It focuses on the relationship between Larkin and the Dublin labour movement, and considers the influence of syndicalism and Marxism in the theory and activity of James Connolly.

Newsinger studies the condition of the Irish Labour in the years running up to the start of World War One: social, economic and cultural conditions, the influence of the Church, gender relations and the campaign for women’s suffrage, the ideology of the republican movement, and developing traditions of labour solidarity and militancy. He chronicles the organisation of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union, [ITGWU] and the impact of the IRISH WORKER newspaper.

1913 and 1914 were crucial years in Irish history: Newsinger considers the Dublin lockouts, [also studied by Yeates]. He puts these events in context looking at the relationship between the ITGWU and the Irish Volunteers, the impact of WW1, the formation of the Citizen Army, relations with the British Labour Movement, and Connolly’s links with to the Irish Republican Brotherhood. He discusses Sean O’Casey’s views of this period and offers new perspectives on the Lock-outs defeat of 1913-14, on the political trajectory of James Connolly, and on the role of the working class in the Easter uprising of 1916.

ISBN 0 85036 518 X Pbk GB Pounds 14.95

For further information visit:


Also available edited by JOHN NEWSINGER:

UNITED IRISHMAN, The Autobiography of James Hope

"a little gem of a book" SOCIALIST REVIEW

085036 496 5 GB Pounds 14.95


LEFT HISTORY Volume Nine, Number One Fall/Winter 2004


"To Train a Wild Bird": E.F. Wilson, Hegemony, and Native Industrial Education at the Shingwauk and Wawanosh Residential Schools, 1873-1893, Sharon Wall

"They'll Think I'm an Indian Won't They?": Colonial Capitalism and Primitivist Fantasy in Tierra del Fuego, 1832-1996, Paul Magee

Working With Figures: Industrial Measurement as Hegemonic Discourse, James P. Hull

Leon Trotsky: Planet Without a Visa,Bryan D. Palmer

Review Essay Cultural Politics Then and Now, Kent Worcester

222x146 mm; about 230pp, EU publication 1.4.2004

ISSN 1192-1927 Pbk GB Pounds 4.95

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