Hot damn, Nukhayev even has a website (with part of it "in inglish" (sic)). Yeah, this is superprogressive:
No matter how blasphemous it may seem, I have to comment that the Russians, by embarking on their latest war, helped us to avoid the fate of being turned into a state and of having a totalitarian power established. Apart from anything else, by their zealous bombing campaigns and artillery barrages, they resolved a problem which the Chechens, in order to find their way back to the Truth, would sooner or later have had to resolve for themselves: the demolition of "their" capital city. Grozny, like any other city, was a hotbed of depravity and dissolute behaviour, of mixing and assimilation, and introduced the putrefying breath of civilisation. Grozny was the embryo, the foundation of a state in Chechenia, since a city is essentially the archteype of a state, a polis. Without the regulatory role of the state, neither the complex infrastructure of a city nor its socially divided, urbanised population alienated from natural law, can exist. It is cities, alienating people from one another and from the natural way of life, which faultlessly and uninterruptedly manufacture the biological raw material needed by the state: all these accumulations of people who have broken their blood ties and are living in an artificial environment. In historical terms, it is when kinship based relations are destroyed and with the appearance of cities, areas where economic blandishments rule, that the state is born with its "internal combustion engine", its economic dictates which underpin the dynamic of innovation and change. This is why spiritual and moral rebirth can go only in the opposite direction to urbanisation, away from the individualistic way of life to the communal.

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