From: James K. Galbraith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Today's effort is co-authored with the supply-side brigand, Jude Wanniski, and appears 
in the notorious
Washington Times.


Rate hike reservations

By James Galbraith/Jude Wanniski

One of us is the First Supply Sider. The other is the Last Keynesian. One is 
Republican; the other Democrat. One helped invent Reaganomics; the other spent four 
years trying to stop it. 

Yet we agree on one thing. Alan Greenspan should not raise interest rates now or in 
the near future.  

To begin, there is no evidence of a monetary inflation. If that were happening, gold 
prices would go up. But the price of gold has fallen $35 since it touched $430 earlier 
this year. 

And while growth has returned, the economy remains far from full employment. We have 
enjoyed just a few decent months of job creation. A million jobs in three months is 
good news. But we remain about 1.3 million jobs below the actual level of payroll 
employment four years ago. We're still about 5 million jobs short of what we should 
have, given population and labor force growth since then. 

Economists once argued inflation would not only rise, but also accelerate in a 
destructive spiral leading to hyperinflation -- if the unemployment rate fell below a 
threshold level called the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment, or NAIRU. 

But where was that threshold? Six percent, as many argued 10 years ago? Five and a 
half? Five? We ran the experiment in the late 1990s, with unemployment below 41/2 
percent for 21/2 years. Inflation numbers didn't budge. If the NAIRU exists -- which 
we doubt -- it isn't anywhere close to today's 5.6 percent unemployment rate. 

Price pressures exist. Chairman Greenspan was rightly concerned when gold, oil and 
commodities were all heading higher together. Yet the Fed took the path of patience at 
that time. Now with real recovery and rapidly rising business profits, liquidity may 
flow away from commodities toward investment. That would calm rather than roil 
commodity prices, while financing businesses at low interest rates. With a little more 
patience from the doctor, in other words, the patient might cure himself. 

And oil prices may come down soon, if the Organization of Petroleum Exporting 
Countries acts as promised. But if they do not come down, that will be due to changing 
world energy markets and insecurity associated with the Iraq war -- not monetary 

There also are large increases in health-care costs. They have nothing to do with 
monetary inflation, nor with tight labor markets or rising wages. A better security 
policy, a better energy policy, and a better health care system would help. High 
interest rates are not a good substitute for these measures. 

What will happen when interest rates rise? We don't know. But there are several good 
reasons to worry. 

* First, in the wake of the refinancing boom, banks and other financial institutions 
are chock-full of mortgage-backed securities with fixed and low yields. Rising 
interest rates will hit their value pretty hard. They could precipitate a sharp fall 
in their price, as well as in bank stocks, the bond market and equities more 
generally. To what end? No useful purpose would be served. 

* Second, American households remain heavily indebted. They will not be squeezed 
immediately by high rates, because many have converted their debts into fixed-rate 
mortgages (wisely so, despite Chairman Greenspan's recent advice to convert to ARMs.) 
But they will be hit by sticker shock on their next house or car, and we can expect a 
slowdown in those sectors (indeed, in housing it may be under way already). No useful 
purpose would be served by this either. 

* Third, higher interest rates probably will appreciate the dollar. This will help 
Americans who are consumers of foreign goods. But it hurts Americans who produce goods 
for foreign markets. And if all commodity prices fall (as they will), other asset 
prices also will tend to fall  --  including the stock market. 

In the end, where does this deflationary course of action lead? Toward another 
slowdown, even a recession, with millions of jobs lost and full recovery delayed. 
That, through history, is the only way high interest rates fight inflation. We don't 
doubt the eventual effectiveness of this strategy. We question, rather, whether it is 

On monetary policy, one of us favors the Gold Standard. The other is nostalgic for 
Bretton Woods. We agree, though, there is nothing wrong with a federal funds rate of 1 
percent, and a yield curve rising to around 5 percent on long-term bonds, when we are 
below full employment and with at most a slowly creeping rise in consumer prices. That 
was the case in the late 1950s, the last time the yield curve looked like it does now. 

Short-term political pressures in the late 1950s pushed the Fed away from an ideal set 
of interest rates. America's problems cannot be solved by raising the overnight funds 
rate. The Fed would surprise the market by leaving rates alone next week, but it would 
more likely than not be a pleasant surprise.

James Galbraith is professor at the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs, 
the University of Texas at Austin, and senior scholar at the Levy Economics Institute. 

Jude Wanniski is President of Polyconomics, Inc., Parsippany, N.J. 

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