Bush allies illegally helping Nader in Oregon
Complaint filed with Federal Election Commission
Wednesday, June 30, 2004 Posted: 8:19 PM EDT (0019 GMT)

America Votes 2004
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Efforts by two conservative groups to help
President Bush by getting independent presidential candidate Ralph
Nader on the ballot in the key battleground state of Oregon prompted
a complaint to the Federal Election Commission Wednesday by a liberal
watchdog group.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) said
phone banks encouraging Bush supporters to attend a Nader nominating
convention last Saturday amounted to an illegal in-kind contribution
to the Nader campaign by the Oregon Family Council and Oregon
Citizens for a Sound Economy.

Bush's re-election campaign and the Oregon Republican Party were also
named in the complaint for allegedly participating in the effort. The
complaint alleges the groups worked together to promote Nader and
siphon potential votes away from Sen. John Kerry, the presumptive
Democratic presidential nominee.

Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW, said the two groups,
though non-profit, are still considered corporations, "and
corporations are strictly prohibited from making contributions to
political campaigns."

While the Bush campaign had no immediate comment, Nader spokesman
Kevin Zeese called the allegations "absolute nonsense."

"We didn't work with any Republican groups or any corporations or
non-profits trying to get people to come to our event," Zeese said.
"We reached out to our constituency and got our people out there."

To get on the ballot, the Nader campaign has to get the signatures of
1,000 registered voters in one day or submit 15,000 signatures
statewide. On Saturday, Nader supporters held a convention in
Portland to try to get the necessary signatures.

While more than 1,100 people attended, the signatures are still being
verified, so it is unclear if the effort was successful.

Whether Nader gets on the ballot in Oregon could be critical in
deciding which candidate carries the state and its seven electoral
votes. In 2000, Democrat Al Gore beat Bush by less than 7,000 votes
in the state.

Published polls show Bush running neck-and-neck with Kerry, with
Nader drawing 3 percent to 5 percent of the vote.

The Oregon Family Council is a conservative Christian group that
opposes same-sex marriage and abortion rights. Oregon Citizens for a
Sound Economy is the state chapter of a national anti-tax group
headed by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

Both groups openly admit they urged supporters to show up at the Nader event.

"We called about 1,000 folks in the Portland area and said this would
be an opportunity to show up to provide clarity in the presidential
debate," said Matt Kibbe, president of CSE, who denied the the calls
were coordinated with either the Bush or the Nader campaigns.

Kibbe said Nader "forces John Kerry to explain where he is on things.''

In its complaint, CREW also charged that the state GOP encouraged the
Oregon Family Council to make the phone calls, which it said amounted
to "illegally conspiring" with an outside group to evade a ban on
state parties using soft money to send out public communications.

"What the Oregon Republican Party could not do directly, it could not
do indirectly," the complaint said.

CREW also cited comments by Bush spokesman Steve Schmidt that
campaign volunteers, though not paid staffers, may have made phone
calls from the campaign's office. The costs of those calls, including
the preparation of phone lists and scripts, should have been reported
to the FEC as an in-kind contribution from the Bush campaign to
Nader, which would be illegal if it amounted to more than $5,000, the
complaint said.

Sloan also told CNN that she is convinced the phone banks were
coordinated between the Bush campaign, the Oregon GOP and the two
groups, saying "it can't be a coincidence ... that they're all making
the same phone calls at the same time." However, she said it is
unclear whether the Nader campaign was involved.

"If Ralph Nader gets on the ballot, he would pull thousands of
liberal votes that would otherwise go to Kerry and perhaps cause
President Bush to lose the election," read one script for the phone
campaign, which CREW cited in its complaint.

CREW has previously filed complaints against both the Nader and Bush
campaigns, alleging illegal assistance from tax-exempt corporations.
Zeese, noting that the group has never moved against a Democrat,
called it a partisan organization, and he accused Democrats of trying
to interfere with the Nader signature drive.

Democrats have been trying to persuade Nader supporters not to back
his independent bid this year, arguing that it will help Bush by
dividing the liberal vote in closely fought states.

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