>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/03/04 10:06 PM >>> 
-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject: RE: [Marxism] Kerry: no drivers licenses for illegals Date: 
Sat, 3 Jul 2004 21:51:55 -0400 
From: Jose G. Perez 
Until very recently, virtually no state mixed immigration matters with driver's 
Among other things, the Democrats snuck into the Immigration bill measures to 
transform state-issued drivers licenses into a national ID card/internal passport. The 
way it was instrumented was a) requiring fingerprinting and b) requiring a verified 
social security number to get drivers licenses. 
Driver's license changes 
By Skip Cauthorn, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
June 30, 2004 

Starting Thursday, those wishing to obtain a Tennessee driver's license will have to 
go through the inconvenience of providing an original birth certificate and several 
other documents to be eligible. The change is one of many new state laws to become 
effective Thursday. 

Those who have renewed a Tennessee license at least once in the past will not be 
affected by the change. However, those who didn't first obtain a license prior to 
January of 2001, should be ready to produce several pieces of information including an 
official birth certificate (no photocopies) or passport, two proofs of identity, two 
proofs of residency and a Social Security number. 

Those without a Social Security number will have to sign an affidavit stating they 
have never had one. Under the new law, driver's licenses will not be issued to those 
who aren't a legal citizen or permanent resident. Instead anyone who can't prove their 
status will be issued a "driver's certificate." 

The law's first effective date was May 29, when the issuance of driver's licenses to 
those who couldn't prove citizenship was discontinued. Those that fell into this 
category since May 29 may pick up a "driver's certificate," a state issued document 
not to be used as identification, as early as Thursday. 

Gov. Phil Bredesen, whose administration presented the legislation to the General 
Assembly months ago, says the law is necessary in addressing Homeland Security 
concerns despite an inconvenience to motorists. "I would love to have an answer that 
really is convenient for everybody [but] the Homeland Security aspect of that * really 
trumped all the other issues," said Bredesen Monday. "I certainly understand it's an 
inconvenience for some people; it's an inconvenience for everybody who has to bring a 
copy of a birth certificate to get the licenses. * But I think it's an important move 
to get us to be * from one of the loosest states to one of the tightest states." 

The new law is the latest in what has been a controversial issue since the General 
Assembly passed legislation in 2001 allowing those without Social Security numbers to 
obtain a Tennessee driver license. At the time the state Department of Safety 
supported the law saying it was safer to allow illegal aliens the ability to obtain a 
license, as they would have to pass all standard testing. 

Opponents of the measure argued that non-citizens shouldn't be allowed a license and 
criticized the long lines that resulted at testing stations. Those who obtained a 
license since Jan. 1, 2001, and can't prove citizenship or permanent residency, must 
upon expiration exchange their license for the new "certificate." 

A recent Department of Safety figure set the number of motorists without Social 
Security numbers who had obtained a license since 2001 at more than 45,600. 

Department of Safety spokesperson Beth Denton says the department has been preparing 
and training for the change. 
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