>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/12/04 5:42 PM >>>
For some inexplicable reason I am cyber-debating some American social
democrat. He insists that the 1974-75 oil shock caused the US recession
and (implicitly) US decline from hegemony and the good days. We three
all disagree with each other on many questions but I *think* that we all
agree that this theory is ridiculous. In his magnum opus that appeared
in New Left Review in 1998, Brenner dismisses this argument out of hand
by noting that the recession began in 1973 so the oil shock argument
doesn't even make sense. He only spends one line on this though,
dismissing it out of hand. Does anybody know any other good sources that
don't use much dogmatic rhetoric?

been alota years since i read it but bluestone and harrison's 'great
u-turn' may be useful re. above...

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