>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/18/04 3:46 PM >>>
July 19, 2004 -- In this issue:
The Case for Nader-Camejo
- by Louis Proyect
Unlike the DLC-backed candidates of recent years, Nader is not afraid to
represent himself as an old-fashioned trade union advocate. He writes:

"Whether workers unionize makes a big difference in their compensation
and treatment. The Economics Policy Institute reports that unionization
provides a 28 percent wage premium to workers -- meaning the same person
in the same job, on average, will earn 11.5 percent more if the job is
unionized -- and a much larger edge in the area of benefits (more than
100 percent for insurance, nearly 200 percent for pensions)."

i don't think my criticisms of nader are liberal but i guess some would

i've a hunch that some left interest in nader is reflection of absence
of actual left alternatives, as panelist at forum i attended in ann
arbor said yesterday: 'he's best known option", lousy way to develop
actual left alternative...

another panelist referred with reverence to eugene debs, well i dig debs
too but real importance at that time was neither his 6% of prez vote in
1912 or million votes he got in 1920 while in prison, more significant
was over 1300 - mostly local - elected socialists prior to ww1...

nader's advocacy of old-fashioned trade unionism (gompersism? business
apparently stops with those who've worked for him over years if accounts
i've read
about organizing at public citizen and multinational monitor are

we've really had enough 'party of person' candidacies/parties...
michael hoover

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