On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Louis Proyect wrote that the Turkish documentary "The
Restorer" would be playing at the following times and channels:

July 21, 8.30 pm. channel 34 Time Warner or 107 RCN,
July 29, 3.00pm channel 56 TW, or 108 RCN
Aug 4, 12 midnight channel 67 TW, 110 RCN.

Louis, are you sure about this? I just checked the first two on my TiVo listings for Time Warner and they show no sign of The Restorer or any other film playing in those slots. For example, Ch 34 TW for July 21 has "Assembly Update" listed for the 8-9:30 pm slot.

A title search for the next two weeks under "Restorer" also shows nothing,
although that's not definitive -- it could be listed under a program title
(i.e., the public access equivalent of POV or something).

If the listings are wrong but you still think it's playing (which might be
-- after all, this is public access) it would help to know how long it is
so I could record it.


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