Counterpunch, July 21, 2004

Nader Sleeping with the Enemy?
Let's Be Fair

Democrats and liberal defenders of John Kerry, are throwing tantrums
over Ralph Nader's new found affinity for conservatives who are aiding
his ballot efforts in swing states. According to a Detroit News report,
Greg McNeilly the Executive Director of the Michigan Republican Party
said, "We are absolutely interested in having Ralph Nader on the
ballot." Indeed these Republicans hope Nader will siphon votes away from
Kerry, and tally the state's 17 electoral points on George Bush's score
card come election day.

Right-wing organizations are also putting their efforts behind Nader out
West. Citizens for a Sound Economy, an anti-tax, anti-government group
ran by Republican powerhouse Dick Armey, wants Nader on the Oregon
ballot. A rigid Christian anti-gay group, known as Oregon Family
Council, also believes voters should have a chance to pull the lever for
Ralph in the fall. As you can imagine, Democrats aren't the least bit
pleased with these recent developments. And they are the first to
happily point out Nader's new bedfellows.

Out of their own rage over Nader's challenge to politics as usual,
Democratic loyalists are fighting harder than they did during the
Florida recount to keep Nader off state registers. In Oregon, while
attempting to gather signatures at a local high school petition drive,
Kerry troops infiltrated the event, boosting the numbers so organizers
believed they had reached capacity. Countless Naderites were left out,
unable to attend the rally or sign the petition, which needed to take
place during a single assembly. Democrats, loathing the thought of
voters having a chance to vote for Nader, did not sign the petition --
ultimately sabotaging the event efforts.

Then of course there is Arizona, where Democrats successfully blocked
Nader from attaining ballot access. Their lawsuit, which argued that a
number of the signatures were gathered by former felons, was deemed
illegal. The tactics used by the Democrats is reminiscent of the
Republican shenanigans in Florida four years ago (where's Greg Palast
when you need him?), and what the Democrats surely won't tell you is
that they used a Republican law firm to nail Nader.

Well, if Nader is so bad, what about the Kerry/Edwards ticket? Where is
the Democrat support coming from?

As usual, convicted corporate criminals have been pouring tons of cash
into both major parties this election season. But since the Democrats
seem to be the only party up in arms over Nader's bid, it is only fair
to focus on their blatant follies.

Chevron Inc, who was convicted in 1992 of egregious environmental
offenses, has given the Democrats over $46,000 this election cycle.
Pfizer, the monstrous pharmaceutical company and maker of Zoloft and
erection fortifying Viagra, has given close to $160,000 to the Democrats
this go-round. Their crime? Price fixing food additives, to which they
pled guilty in 1999.

Time/Warner, who will most likely be charged with a $400 million
accounting violation later this summer by the SEC, has given John Kerry
approximately $250,000 since 1990. That's not including the over $3.6
million they have given the Democrats since the Al Gore's run for president.

And Democrats are up in arms over the a few thousand dollars
conservatives, as individuals not corporations mind you, have given to
Ralph Nader this year?

Bush's homeboy, convicted right-winger Kenny "Boy" Lay, the Enron sage,
used to sit on the board of directors for the Heinz Foundation, which is
John Kerry's wife's ketcup rich environmental trust. His company has
given well over one million dollars to the Democrats since 2000. And we
all know Enron's crimes.

Archer Daniels Midland, the huge multinational processor and exporter of
cereal grains and oilseeds, pled guilty in 1996 to one of the largest
anti-trust lawsuits in the history of the United States. They've anteed
up over $1.7 million to the Democratic Party since 2000. And this is
just the tip of the iceberg.

How about the most recent on the list of corporate robber barons?
Although they have yet to be convicted of any wrong-doing in Iraq (the
Pentagon claims they have overcharged tax payers millions of dollars),
Dick Cheney's war profiteering Halliburton has donated $129,449 to the
Dems this year. And Democrats still want us to believe Nader's the only
one who is sleeping with the enemy?

Clearly conservative money and support, which is minimal at best, is
aiding Nader's efforts to get his name on certain state ballots. But
Democrats are also guilty of having their hand in a tainted cookie jar.
The difference being, Nader is unlikely to be persuaded by such support.
Unfortunately the same can't be said for his opposition.


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