In a message dated 7/21/2004 11:36:26 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>The contradictions dealt with in the absolute general law of capitalist accumulation are the poverty and unemployment that inherently accompany technological progress under capitalist relations of production, a contradiction of regress and progress, with regress being "absolute" and progress relative.<
I'd say that poverty and unemployment are results of the contradiction.
^^^^^^ CB: A result of which contradiction?
Private appropriation of the products of social production as fundamentality . . . or private appropriation in contradiction with the social character of production.  
This private appropriation is a form of property relations that imparts a distinct circuit . . . mode of operation to continuous cycles of reproduction . . . how labor is deployed in a given branch of industry and on what basis. The bottom line basis of deployment is based on what is profitable to the bourgeois property relations as individual owners or an institutional relations based on private ownership of the productive forces.
A multiplicity of other contradictory factors flow from the property relations within this form of social production. Other contradictions flow from the fact of human beings engaging production no matter what the property relations.

Melvin P.

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