There is a Marxian metaphyisc in the principle " nothing is constant but change" but it is a worrysome religion to hold because it implies that freedom lies in the appreciation of necessity or neccesity to change things. building onto a logic that calls for a constant detection of what needs to be changed runs counter to the inetrest of bourgeoisie and its dominant ideology. it will be fought tooth and nail. what is particularly poignant here and the only new thing that i can probably add to this discusion is that the concepts with which people think have to be redifined to reflect this fluidity and contradiction in unity. syllogistic logic, and for the well informed of Croce's paper on contradiction and or dualistic or monadic thought, becomes void when things flow out of each other.. formal sophistry can do little to conceal the ugliness of capitalism and the system will stand naked before our very eyes. but will this alternativeway of thinking be taken to schools? highly unlikely. I recall it was even difficult to get a good course on hegel in universities because it talked about processes and change.

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