Give 'em hell, Louie! Don't back down. No matter how much they bully you, threaten you, you go Louie, you two-fisted battler for humanity! You are the Hulk Hogan of the open letter, and all that's good and right in the world. And I for one look forward to supporting you in your open letter battles with other icons of imperialism. Who's next? ---
Checked for splling. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Louis Proyect" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 6:29 AM Subject: [PEN-L] Dear Peter Coyote > As the driving force behind an open letter in support of the Cobb-Kerry > campaign, I am a little perplexed over whence you derive your authority. > > Is it the fact that you star in the cable tv series "4400", about people > who were abducted by space aliens? Frankly, I would be far more > impressed if Fox Mulder had been heading up such an effort since the > X-Files was far less talky and far more entertaining than the show you > are presently involved with. Just a suggestion. The ratio between dialog > and action on such shows should be approximately 50-50. In "4400," it is > about 90-10. Underbudgeted for special effects, are we? > > Perhaps you are resting on your laurels as a 1960s hippie radical. Your > website informs us that: > > >>From 1967 to 1975, Peter took off to "do the Sixties" where he became > a prominent member of the San Francisco counter-culture community and > founding member of the Diggers, an anarchistic group who supplied free > food, free housing and free medical aid to the hordes of runaways who > appeared during the Summer of Love.<< > > Not that I would gainsay the importance of helping somebody come down > from a bummer acid trip (isn't that what they called it?), but I have a > feeling that it was far more important to organize protests against the > war in Vietnam. > > You also inform visitors to your website that you were a delegate to the > Democratic National Convention which you also covered for Mother Jones > Magazine and consider your completely re-built 1964 Dodge 4x4 Town Wagon > that you have owned since 1969 your "longest-lasting addiction." If I > were you, I'd ixnay the references to the Democratic Party and play up > the Town Wagon stuff. After all, the Town Wagon was never used to drop > napalm on Vietnamese peasants. > > -- > Marxism list: