In relation to questions raised by Paul on HDI, etc, a friend has directed me to a recent piece by Robert Wade in New Political Economy. I assume it's in the following issue:

Volume 9, Number 2, June 2004

Introduction: Globalisation, Governance and Development,
Graham Harrison
On the Causes of Increasing World Poverty and Inequality, or Why the Matthew Effect Prevails,
Robert Hunter Wade
What the World Bank Means by Poverty Reduction, and Why it Matters,
Paul Cammack
Examining the Ideas of Globalisation and Development Critically: What Role for Political Economy?,
Ben Fine
'Truth', 'Efficiency' and Multilateral Institutions: A Political Economy of Development Economics,
Alice Sindzingre
The International Monetary Fund and Civil Society,
Ben Thirkell-White
Pro-Poor Politics and the New Political Economy of Stabilisation,
Paul Mosley

Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6

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