NY Times, August 2, 2004
Convictions Intact, Nader Soldiers On

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Aug. 1 - To Ralph Nader, the Democratic convention
in Boston was a hollow charade that made Senator John Kerry, the
Democratic presidential nominee, seem more like President Bush than
ever. He said it gave him no reason to drop out of the race, even if he
costs Mr. Kerry the election in November, as many believe he cost Al
Gore in 2000.

"This isn't unity," Mr. Nader scoffed in an interview here on Saturday,
referring to the message from the Democratic convention. "This is
repressed conformity in order to create the show."

He called the Democrats a "decadent" party and, in a reference to Mr.
Gore's populist war cry in 2000, accused Mr. Gore of "taking my language
away from me" and "costing me more votes than I cost him." Mr. Kerry, he
noted, voted for the war in Iraq, would not put a deadline on
withdrawing American troops, voted for the Patriot Act and, he said,
"won't touch the bloated, corrupt military budget."

So Mr. Nader, who does not concede that he has little chance of winning
the presidency, is preparing for battles ahead - for ballot access in
most states (he is on the ballot in six states so far, including
Florida), for credentials to the Republican convention this month (he
was denied credentials to the Democratic convention), and for a seat at
the table in the fall debates, which requires a standing of at least 15
percent in national polls.

Andrew Kohut, the director of the Pew Research Center for the People and
the Press, said that Mr. Nader, who won 2.7 percent of the vote in 2000,
was polling at about 3 percent in most national polls now but could
spell trouble for Mr. Kerry in some swing states.

While Mr. Nader digs in his heels, the Democrats are trying to sideline
him. The party has enlisted Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor,
who has declared an "extraordinary emergency" to stomp out Nader votes.
And some former associates of Mr. Nader are organizing an extensive,
well-financed national campaign against him. Organizers include Toby
Moffett, a former congressman from Connecticut and onetime "Nader
Raider," who lost a close race for the Senate in 1982 after his former
boss endorsed his opponent.

Mr. Moffett, now a lobbyist in Washington, worked against Mr. Nader in
six states in 2000, an informal effort that he now calls amateurish.
With that experience under his belt, he said, "we're vowing not to let
it happen again."

Mr. Moffett and others from labor and feminist organizations spent their
time at the Democratic convention coordinating six or eight anti-Nader
groups. Calling themselves United Progressives for Victory, they are
raising money through an independent political committee known as a 527,
named for the section of the I.R.S. code that governs it, and are
working with other 527's that are already identifying sympathetic
voters. (By law, such committees can raise unlimited amounts of money
but cannot coordinate with the Kerry campaign.)

The group is armed with a poll conducted by Stanley Greenberg, who was
President Bill Clinton's pollster. The group includes Roy Neel, a former
Gore associate who worked for Mr. Dean and is now preparing the computer
model for finding the 2.8 million people who voted for Mr. Nader in 2000
and might vote for him again.

Mr. Moffett said there was no chance that Mr. Nader would drop out, so
the only way to stop him from throwing the election to Mr. Bush is to
discourage his supporters.

Mr. Nader's determination to stay in the contest was evident on Friday
night in Los Angeles, when Michael Moore, the filmmaker, who backed Mr.
Nader in 2000, appeared with him on the HBO program "Real Time with Bill
Maher." Mr. Moore and Mr. Maher dropped to their knees to beg Mr. Nader
to drop out, with the audience cheering them on.

Mr. Nader was unmoved, saying only, "We're going to help defeat George
W. Bush" and dashing off the set at his first opportunity.

Nader supporters, Mr. Greenberg's polling shows, are generally older and
angrier [I guess that explains me!] than other voters. They are fiercely
against globalization and corporate dominance, and they are largely
indifferent to social issues like abortion and gay marriage.

full: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/02/politics/campaign/02nader.html


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