Kerry is obviously not a whit better that Bush on this  matter..If the
Israelis just wanted to protect their own territory they could legally build
the wall on their territory instead of within occupied territory. The self
defence defence is a non-starter.

Cheers, Ken Hanly

Miami Herald July 20, 2004

Support for wall mocks international law

By Richard Falk

What is most remarkable about the International Court of Justice decision on
Israel's "security barrier" in the West Bank is the strength of the
consensus behind it. By a vote of 14-1, the 15 distinguished jurists who
make up the highest judicial body on the planet found that the barrier is
illegal under international law and that Israel must dismantle it, as well
as compensate Palestinians for damage to their property resulting from the
barrier's construction.

The International Court of Justice has very rarely reached this degree of
unanimity in big cases. The July 9 decision was even supported by the
generally conservative British judge Rosalyn Higgins, whose intellectual
force is widely admired in the United States.

One might expect the government of Ariel Sharon to wave off this notable
consensus as an "immoral and dangerous opinion." But one might expect the
United States -- even as it backed its ally Israel -- at least to take
account of the court's reasoning in its criticisms. Instead, both the Bush
administration and leading Democrats, including Senators John Kerry and
Hillary Clinton, mindlessly rejected the decision.

Even the American justice in The Hague, Thomas Buergenthal, was careful in
his lone dissent. He argued that the court did not fully explore Israel's
contention that the wall-and-fence complex is necessary for its security
before arriving at its sweeping legal conclusions. But Judge Buergenthal
also indicated that Israel was bound to adhere to international humanitarian
law, that the Palestinians were entitled to exercise their right of
self-determination and, insofar as the wall was built to protect Israeli
settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, that he had "serious doubt
that the wall would. . .satisfy the proportionality requirement to qualify
as legitimate self-defense."

The nuance in Buergenthal's narrow dissent contrasts sharply with, for
instance, Kerry's categorical statement that Israel's barrier "is not a
matter for the ICJ."

To the contrary, Israel's construction of the wall in the West Bank has
flagrantly violated clear standards in international law. The clarity of the
violations accounts for the willingness of the U.N. General Assembly to
request an advisory opinion on the wall from the court, a right it has never
previously exercised in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The
clarity also helps to explain Israel's refusal to participate in the ICJ
proceedings -- not even to present its claim that the barrier under
construction has already reduced the incidence of suicide bombing by as much
as 90 percent.

Significantly, the court confirms that Israel is entitled to build a wall to
defend itself from threats emanating from the Palestinian territories if it
builds the barrier on its own territory. The justices based their objection
to the wall on its location within occupied Palestinian territories, as well
as the consequent suffering visited upon affected Palestinians.

If Israel had erected the wall on its side of the boundary of Israel prior
to the 1967 war, then it would not have encroached on Palestinian legal
rights. The court's logic assumes the unconditional applicability of
international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, to
Israel's administration of the West Bank and Gaza (a principle affirmed by
Judge Buergenthal). That body of law obliges Israel to respect the property
rights of Palestinians without qualification, and to avoid altering the
character of the territory, including by population transfer.

The decision creates a clear mandate. The ICJ decision, by a vote of 13-2,
imposes upon all states an obligation not to recognize "the illegal
situation" created by the construction of the wall. This is supplemented by
a 14-1 vote urging the General Assembly and Security Council to "consider
what further action is required to bring an end to the illegal situation."

Such a plain-spoken ruling from the characteristically cautious
International Court of Justice will test the respect accorded international
law, including U.S. willingness to support international law despite a
ruling against its ally. The invasion of Iraq and the continuing scandals
have already tarnished the reputation of the United States as a law-abiding
member of the international community. When U.S. officials dismiss the
nearly unanimous ICJ decision without even bothering to engage its
arguments, America's reputation suffers further. In fact, elsewhere in the
world, U.S. repudiation of this decision can only entrench existing views of
America as an international outlaw.

Richard Falk is the Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International
Law and Practice, Princeton University.

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