>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/07/04 2:11 AM >>>
>>... and make the next POTUS John Kerry a weak president without a
>>big mandate at the same time.)
>Is there a subtle flaw here?  If either Kerry or Bush is elected
>they will have a big mandate. It just won't be from the people, but
>the corporate purchasers. I fear the "people's mandate" can no
>longer be given through the present electoral process.
>Dan Scanlan

The larger the shares of popular votes for the Democratic and
Republican presidential candidates, the bigger the next POTUS's
mandate will be, though the mandate is more apparent than real, as
you say.

notion (hesitate to call it theory) of presidential mandate is myth, of
course, myths can have powerful influence...

some occupants of white house start terms with more 'political capital'
than others (i.e., lbj began first full term with deep reservoir
following '64 landslide victory, gerald ford, on other hand, had little
after becoming prez because of 2 resignations - as if to confirm
latter's precarious position, reps loss of seats to dems in '74
congressional elections was large enough to result in smallest
congressional minority for sitting prez in 20th century *and* ford had
largest percentage of vetoes subjected to congressional override in
country's history)...

prez attempts to claim mandates are part of pseudo-democratization of
office, reagan claimed mandate following '80 election even though he
received just over 50% of 'popular' vote by pointing to number of states
he won and - more importantly - number of electoral college votes he
received (about 495 if memory serves), 'winner-take-all' distribution of
ec votes in 48 states gives some prez winners opportunities to claim
mandates by transforming small 'popular' majorities into 'super' ec
michael hoover

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