Michael A. Lebowitz wrote:
Well, I don't want to get into this distraction on the Russian
question, but you could call the system bureaucratic collectivism
(Schachtman's term) or the command-administrative system (the
perestroichiki's term), or totalitarianism, or lots of things, but
the fact is we don't really have a good name for it.

How about the 'vanguard mode of production'?
Cf. Lebowitz,  'Kornai and the Vanguard Mode of Production' in
Cambridge Journal of Economics (May 2000).

Nope.  "mode of production" is an exclusively Marxist term and
concept,  and it signifies a whole epoch in the historical development
of conscious human labor characterized by a specific set of class
relations.  The reason that Schachtman was dead wrong was that
the Stalinist bureaucracy, which he fantasized as a historically
new *ruling class*, had no ability (or desire) to inaugurate a new
mode of production--its "historical mission," now completed, was
to make prevalent and modern the capitalist mode of production
within the Great Russian Empire.

Incidentally, while Stalin, alas, was alive, I never heard any
of his  minions within, or acolytes without, the Russian Empire
dare to express anything but the greatest pride at the
appellation "Stalinist."

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things...It consents and does not
consent to be called

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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