For those who are not familiar with the Left Forum, this is a 
yearly gathering in NYC that began as the Socialist Scholars 
Conference in 1982. In 2005 there was a split between the more 
rightwing social democrats on the steering committee, such as 
Bogdan Denitch, and those more inclined to agree with the 
perspective of Monthly Review, Socialist Register, etc. The 
leftists launched Left Forum and the rightists pretty much faded 
from the scene.

I regard the Left Forum as an important event for the left and 
have seen it become more and more relevant to the class struggle. 
While it is nominally an academic conference (the original 
orientation to “socialist scholars” set the agenda pretty much on 
a permanent basis), it is not as rarefied as the Rethinking 
Marxism conferences in Massachusetts.

So here goes.

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