----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Perelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

She is in France, I am pretty sure.  The article is important for much
more than the
Russians scandal, because it offers a glimpse into the difficulty of
international capital.  I wish more people on the list would look at it
and give me their


This is one of John Kerry's pet issues. He even wrote a book about it

"The new war : the web of crime that threatens America's security"

The book is reviewed along with Tom Naylor's "The Wages of Crime: Black
Markets, Illegal Finance and the Underground Economy" by Peter Andreas in
the Aug. 2004 issue of Review of International Political Economy. Andreas
notes that Kerry's book reads as a Manifesto ["policeman of the World
Unite!"] and also writes that Naylor's

"'Wages of Crime' comes close - perhaps uncomfortably close at times - to
reading like a 'how to' guide for getting around state controls. This is
particularly true of the chapters on money laundering, which includes a
detailed, step by step description and analysis of how to turn dirty money
into clean money (which may make some readers wonder about who is buying
the book and utilizing Naylor's knowledge. I once asked him at conference
whether he was ever tempted to use his considerable understanding of
illegal markets to 'supplement' his income, and he jokingly replied that
while he may have the mind of a criminal, he didn't have the backbone of a

IIRC from my days in DC, Kerry was a big supporter of expanding MLAT.


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