From: Charles Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: Louis Proyect
Ruy Teixeira on the elections


There is no alternative to the fullblown bourgeois christian vision for the
left but a fullblown communist message and vision, no alternative that is
touch with the realty of the world today. The question is how to make a
communist message appealing again.

For starters, there will have to be some rebranding. I don't need any focus-group findings to know that "communism" doesn't carry quite the cachet that any marketer would look for in trying to sell this concept to Middle America. I think you'd have to dub the movement the "Individual Potential Party" or the like in order to penetrate the perimeter defenses of the typical American's intellect. It can well be argued that only in a collectivized society of some sort can all individuals fulfill their potential.


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