Louis Proyect writes:

"Fascist countries don't invite radical professors like Jim Craven to
give talks at conferences. Fascism is a totalitarian system that
controls every last aspect of a citizen's life and demands blind
obedience to an ultra-nationalist regime bent on an expansionist course.
This hardly describes China."

J. R. wrote:
First of all, not all fascist regimes are the same as they all vary in
degree of oppression and methods. Dr. Lawrence Britt, a political
scientist wrote: /The 14 Characteristic of Fascism
(http://www.1hope.org/fascism.htm ), but, it seems to me not all
characteristics are needed to qualify as fascist.  

Louis Proyect responds:

Dr. Britt is a self-described "humanist". He says that the failure to
investigate the plane crash of Paul Wellstone is proof that the USA is
fascist. This is not worth replying to. Comrade Rosso, have you ever
read Marxist literature on fascism? Much of it is online at
www.marxists.org and will cost you nothing except time that would be

Response (Jim C) This is a response to Louis. A response to this
individual calling China "fascist" would not be time well spent; the
problem is not only what he does not know, but more importantly, the
problem appears to be what he apparently knows for sure that just ain't
so. He either does not understand what fascism is about and/or does not
understand what China is about.

Before I left for China, I sent some materials on my background to those
who had invited me. Why? For several reasons. First of all I did not
want to abuse the hospitality of those who had invited me with my coming
to a conference at which my own views--and activist background--might be
seen as very controversial and possibly bring some hardship to those who
had so kindly invited me. Further, I gave the proposed title of my paper
and an abstract but no one asked to see my proposed paper before leaving
for China. Again, I sent my paper in advance in the event that my
comments might cause some conference-disrupting responses and/or bring
some hardships to those who had invited me. Again, there was no negative
response to my proposed comments. And at the conference no one tried to
censor me, no one tried to tell me what language to use and no one tried
to inhibit my comments (decidedly anti-capitalist) about the dangers of
widespread expansion of capitalist markets, institutions, categories,
relations and values in China--dangers vis-a-vis the ongoing socialist
construction, protection of existing levels of socialist construction
and development of mass socialist consciousness. 

Further, I asked if it would be possible to visit the mausoleum of
Chairman Mao and the grave of Dr. Norman Bethune (Pai Chu En) as it had
been my dream to visit and pay respects at the graves of these two who
had influenced my own life and views so much--as is the Blackfoot Way to
visit, at least once, the graves of those we respect and who have
influenced us in our lives. They went out of their way to help me to pay
these respects knowing exactly where I was coming from. I even sent some
protest letters against my own college for repression I had suffered and
copies of the case I am involved with in Canada charging the Canadian
government with genocide against Indigenous Peoples just so that they
would be aware of some of the controversies I had been involved with/am
involved with so that those who had invited me would not be caused an
embarrassment or problems for having invited me. Again, I was invited
and while in China treated with the utmost respect and kindness while

While in China I had extensive discussions with some first-rate Chinese
scholars and academicians who, of course, came from a variety of
theoretical perspectives. But the discussions were open, frank and
extremely insightful. The organizers were even prepared for me to
convene a workshop and invite Marty Hart-Landsberg (a friend of mine
whom I respect and whose work as an economist I respect but with whom I
disagree on the question of capitalism having been restored in China),
Paul Burkett and others to debate, at the conference, with Chinese
scholars, the issue of whether or not capitalism has been and/or is
being restored in China. This would not be possible if China had moved
to fascism and/or even had restored capitalism.

Calling China fascist, especially when considering all that China has
suffered and continues to suffer under the yokes of imperialism and
fascism--imperial encirclement and destabilization (social systems
engineering) campaigns, denial of critical technologies and life-saving
food and medicines, threats of nuclear annihilation, protection of
Japanese Class-A war criminals from prosecution in return for use of
their barbaric "research" from the likes of Unit 731, etc etc etc--is a
horrible slander and slur against a People who have come so far despite
such overwhelming odds and despite such barbaric and lethal imperialist
and fascist forces bent on sabotaging socialist construction in China.

Jim Craven

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