>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/17/04 4:23 PM >>>
NY Times, November 17, 2004
Leading Democrat Senator Won't Block Confirmation of Gonzales
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 - President Bush's nominee for attorney general,
Alberto R. Gonzales, was all but guaranteed Senate confirmation today
when a leading Democrat expressed fondness for the nominee and signaled
that he would not stand in his way.
"I like him," Senator Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, the leading Democrat
on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said today after a closed meeting
with Mr. Gonzales, whom he has known as White House counsel.

no surprise re. above, leahy helped confirm all but a couple of bush's
100 or so appt's during time he was judiciary chair - from when
vermont's jeffords became independent in spring 2001 until
2002 elections when reps regained senate control...

one ostensible 'lesson' dems have learned from 2004 election is do
not filibuster, some believe that daschle lost his seat because of

dems only blocked a few appts, compare to reps and clinton appts,
they held up so many that number of vacancies led rehnquist
to complain about stalling tactics...

below is different view of gonzalez:

November 14, 2004



A petition to immediately, and without delay, open an investigation into
the history and character of Alberto Gonzales to determine his
qualifications and suitability for the position of U.S. Attorney
General. We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, find Alberto
Gonzalez an unacceptable candidate for Attorney General of the United
States for the following reasons and wish you to pursue an investigation
relative to:

-Alberto Gonzales' involvement with the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, in
which Mr.Gonzales did advise the President and direct the Pentagon to
disregard international treaties like the Geneva Convention and to
conduct war in violation of International and Federal law;

-Alberto Gonzales' involvement with Vice-President Cheney's Energy
Commission meetings, whereby through Mr.Gonzalez' efforts, such meetings
have been kept secret and out of the scrutiny of the public eye;

-Alberto Gonzales' knowledge of the leaking of CIA Agent Valerie Plame's
name to the public in violation of Federal law, whereby no resolution or
discovery has been provided despite clear cut lines of investigation;

-Alberto Gonzales' history of accepting contributions from large
corporations such as Enron and Halliburton for his political efforts,
and the subsequent overturning of legal cases in favor of said
companies. It is further noted that Mr. Gonzalez was counsel to Enron
for a period of approximately 13 years, and that said company is now
bankrupt and accused of fraud and misconduct;

-Alberto Gonzales' record as Chief Legal Counsel to then Texas Governor,
George W. Bush. As a primary advisor to the Governor on the subject of
Capital Punishment, we use as an example the State Execution of Terry
Washington. Mr. Washington was a 33-year old mentally challenged man
with the communication skills of a 7-year old boy. Alberto Gonzales
failed to advise then Governor Bush that Mr. Washington's trial lawyer
did NOT enlist a mental-health expert on Washington's behalf, in which
he was entitled under a 1985 Supreme Court ruling. Mr. Gonzalez
repeatedly and consistently failed to provide to the Governor all the
necessary facts and relevant information required to render decisions in
over one hundred death-penalty cases;

-Finally, Mr. Gonzalez has never tried a civil or criminal case and does
not have the prerequisite experience to perform the duties of Attorney
General of the United States.

We, the people, require an Attorney General who will be fair, competent,
one who is without extremist and partisan views, and will serve at the
will of the people. The Attorney General must uphold the law and not be
subject to conflicts of interest with corporations and other special
interests groups.

This request for investigation of the facts listed above brings Mr.
Gonzales' ability to assume the position of U.S. Attorney General into
serious question.

We, the undersigned, request that our elected Representatives act in
accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America in a
legal, impartial, and expedient manner, holding an open hearing and
review before the people of the United States, on the nomination of
Alberto Gonzales to the position of U.S. Attorney General. We feel it is
our patriotic duty to request such action from you and that you as our
elected officials, have a duty to respond fully in a timely, responsible

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