Threads Unravel in Iraqi's Tale
Story of Husband's Execution Contradicted by Relatives Who Say He Is Alive

By Peter Finn
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, January 20, 2005; Page A18

An Iraqi woman who was granted refugee status in the United States after
telling The Washington Post and U.S. officials that she had been
imprisoned, tortured and sexually assaulted in Iraq during the 1990s
appears to have made false claims about her past, according to a fresh
examination of her statements.

Jumana Michael Hanna also claimed that her husband, Haitam Jamil Anwar, had
been executed during the rule of ousted Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. Her
testimony led to the arrest of several Iraqi security officials. Based on
her testimony, U.S. officials took her into protective custody in Baghdad
and then to the United States.

She was the subject of a lengthy article in The Post in July 2003. Later, a
writer who was interested in collaborating with Hanna on a book concluded
that she was not telling the truth. The writer's article appears in the
January issue of Esquire magazine.


After she was taken into U.S. protective custody in 2003, Hanna identified
a number of Iraqis, including a brigadier general, as among those who
participated in torture at the jail. Based on her testimony, a number of
Iraqis were subsequently arrested by U.S. and Iraqi security forces. They
were all released after Hanna was flown to the United States and the case
languished, officials said.

Donald Campbell, a New Jersey superior court judge who oversaw the case in
Baghdad as one of the American advisers to the Iraqi judicial system, said
Hanna had convinced investigators and other Iraqi and American officials in
Baghdad that she was telling the truth. He noted, however, that an Iraqi
doctor had examined her for evidence of past torture and rape and did not
believe her. The doctor's opinion was dismissed, he said. The Post was
unable to independently verify or refute her allegations of abuse.

"She was interviewed many times over many months and she was always
consistent," Campbell said in a telephone interview from New Jersey. "I
recall asking, 'Is she telling the truth?' The investigators told me that
there was no way she could make this up."

U.S. officials also said before The Post article was published in 2003 that
they found her credible.

After arriving in California, where she was first resettled, Hanna met Sara
Solovitch, the author of the Esquire article, and the two agreed to work on
a book about her experiences. However, her claims began to become more and
more outlandish, and Solovitch began to doubt her, according to the Esquire

Hanna told Solovitch, for instance, that she attended Oxford University in
Britain, although she could speak very little English; she had told The
Post that she had taken business courses in Baghdad. She told Esquire that
she had a bizarre, direct encounter with Uday Hussein, although she had
told The Post that she never saw or heard him. She also told Esquire that
other female prisoners were killed in a gruesome fashion. In interviews
with The Post, she spoke of beatings and rapes of female prisoners, but not
of killings.

"I went into this project anticipating that I would be working with a
genuine hero," Solovitch said in an e-mail to this reporter. "Now, I
believe that she is at best a pathological liar, at worst a highly
intelligent con artist. Jumana took advantage of all of us."



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