I'll take Cohen over KM on 20th century property rights and the legal
construction of the public/private binary any day of the week. Btw, at one
time Cohen *was* a Marxist...............



CB: You can have him.

"Was" a Marxist ? Sounds like he was going out of the world backwards.

MORRIS R. COHEN (1880-1947)

Morris Raphael  <http://www.beardbooks.com/morriscohen.jpg> Cohen was born
on July 25, 1880, and was a Russian-born philosopher who immigrated at the
age of twelve to the United States in 1892 and studied at the City College
of New York and Harvard University. He taught at City College (1912-38) and
at the University of Chicago (until 1942). A proponent of both rationalism
and naturalism, Cohen believed that there is a logical order to the universe
independent of any mind, but since the universe also has an irrational
aspect, our knowledge of facts is only probable.

He considered law as a social system that embodies both the logical use of
ideas and continuing reference to facts.

Cohen's interest in the philosophy of law and religion dated back to his
boyhood, when he was educated in Biblical and Talmudic law and read
Maimonides and Judah Halevi's Kuzari. As a young man, he was attracted to
Marxian socialism, but his strong belief in democracy helped him to discover
other ways of serving the common good and acting in accordance with his
social conscience.

Felix Adler influenced his approach to ethics; but Cohen was essentially a
logician, devoted to mathematical logic and to the investigation of the
relationships between science and philosophy. He characterized himself as a
realistic rationalist who conceived of reason as "the use of both deductive
and inductive inferences working upon the material of experience." He
regarded reality as a category that belonged to science, not religion. Cohen
died on Janurary 28, 1947.


Volume I


1. PROPERTY      5

        1. Nature and Type of Property

        Grotius, War and Peace   7
        Blackstone, Commentaries         7
        Bentham, Theory of Legislation   8
        United States v. Perchernan      9
        Ely, Property and Contact        10
        Aigler, Bigelow and Powell, Cases and Materials on Property      17

        American Law Institute, Restatement of Property  17
        International News Service v. Associated Press   18
        M.R. Cohen, Property and Sovereignty     26
        F.S. Cohen, Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach  34

        Philbrick, Changing Conceptions of Property in Law       38
        Berle and Means, The Modern Corporation and Private Property     48

        2. The Origin and Justification of Private Property

        The Institutes of Justinian      50
        Victoria, De Indis       52
        Grotius, War and Peace   55
        :Locke, Two Treatises of Government      58
        Hamilton, Property -- According to Locke         63
        Bentham, Theory of Legislation   67
        Kant, Philosophy of Law  70
        Hegel, Philosophy of Right       73
        Holmes, The Common Law   76
        Pound, Introduction to the Philosophy of Law     79
        Note on the Vestal Bill for the Copyright Registration of Designs
        Tawney, The Acquisitive Society  91
        Lindsay, The Principle of Private Property       98

2. CONTRACT      100

        1. The Nature and Types of Contract

        The Institutes of Justinian      102
        American Law Institute, Restatement of Contracts         105
        Civil Code of Spain      106
        Kant, Philosophy of Law  109
        Hegel, Philosophy of right       130

        2. The Social Roots of Contract

        Lorenzen, Causa and Consideration in the Law of Contracts        123

        Maine, Ancient Law       124
        M.R. Cohen, The Basis of Contract        125
        Williston, Freedom of Contract   129
        Llewellyn, What Price Contract -- An Essay in Perspective        133

        Kessler, Contract as a Principle of Order        140

        3. What Promises Should be Enforced

        Adkins v. Children's Hospital    147
        Home Building and Loan Association v. Blaisdell  150
        West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parris   156
        Steele, The Uniform Written Obligations Act -- A Criticism       159

        Holdsworth, History of English Law       162
        Bentham, Theory of Legislation   167
        Pound, Liberty of Contract       168
        Ely, Property and Contract in their Relations to the Distribution of
Wealth   175
        Gellhorn, Contracts and Public Policy    181
        M.R. Cohen, The Basis of Contract        187


        1. Definition of Tort

        Pollock, Law of Torts    198
        Bishop, Non-Contract Law         199
        Innes, Principles of Torts       200
        Burdick, Law of Torts    200
        Wigmore, The Tripartite Division of Torts        202
        Wigmore, Selected Cases on the Law of Torts      203

        2. Analysis of Tort Liability

        Holmes, The Common Law   204
        Winfield, The Foundation of Liability in  Tort   209
        Salmond, Law of Torts    210
        Pollock, Law of Torts    212
        Wigmore, The Tripartite Division of Torts        215
        Pound, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law  217
        Radin, A Speculative Inquiry into the Nature of Torts    223

        3. Damage

        Pound, Interests of Personality  230

        4. Causation

        A. Legal Act

        Buch v. Amory Manufacturing Co.  233
        Bohlen, The Moral Duty to Aid Others as a Basis of Tort Liability

        B. Proximate Cause

        Brunner, History of Germanic Law         235
        Pollack and Maitland, History of English Law     236
        Bacon, Maxims of the Law         237
        Palsgraf v. Long Island R.R. Co.         238
        Laidlaw v. Sage  243
        Edgerton, Legal Cause    244
        F.S. Cohen, Field Theory and Judicial Logic      245

        C. Culpable Cause

        Ives v. South Buffalo Ry. Co.    251
        Charmont, The Changes in the Civil Law   254
        Demogue, Fault Risk and Apportionment of Loss    259
        Duguit, General Changes in Private Law Since the Code Napoleon   262

        Wu, The Art of Law       265
        James, Accident Liability Reconsidered, The Impact of Liability
Insurance        266

        5. Compensation

        Bentham, Theory of Legislation   268


        1. Crime

        A. Nature of Crime

        Von Bar, A History of Continental Criminal Law   282
        Savigny, System of the Modern Roman Law  284
        J. Hall, General Principles of Criminal Law      284
        M.R. Cohen, Moral Aspects of the Criminal Law    289

        B. Causes of Crime

        Ferri, Criminal Sociology        291
        Lombroso, Crime, Its Causes and Remedies         292
        Lindner, Rebel Without a Cause   295
        Bonger, Criminality and Economic Conditions      296
        M.R. Cohen, Moral Aspects of the Criminal Law    300
        Lunden, Statistics of Crime and Criminals        303
        Von Hentig, The Criminal and His Victim  304
        A.C. Hall, Crime and Its Relation to Social Progress     307
        Aristotle, Metaphysics   308

        C. Criminal Procedure

        Pound, The Future of the Criminal Law    309

        2. Punishment

        A. Responsibility

        Tarde, Penal Philosophy  312

        B. Purpose of Punishment

        Kant, Philosophy of Law  320
        Hegel, Philosophy of Right       323
        Saleilles, The Individualization of Punishment   326
        Tourtoulon, Philosophy in the Development of Law         327
        Bentham, Theory of Legislation   329
        Tarde, Penal Philosophy  334
        M.R. Cohen, Moral Aspects of the Criminal Law    336
        Michael and Wechsler, Criminal Law and Its Administration        341

        C. Types of Punishment

        Beccaria, Essay on Crimes and Punishment         346
        Bentham, Theory of Legislation   352
        Poland, Changes in the Criminal Law and Procedure since 1800     355

        D. Individualization of Punishment

        Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation       358
        Saleilles, The Individualization of Punishment   359
        M.R. Cohen, Moral Aspects of the Criminal Law    360

        E. Alternatives to Punishment

        Bentham, Theory of Legislation   361


5. THE NATURE OF LAW     369

        Aristotle, Basic Works   371
        Cicero, De Legibus       376
        St. Thomas Aqunas, Summa Theologica      377
        St. Germain, A Doctor and a Student      379
        Coke, Conference Between King James I and the Judges of England  380

        Hobbes, Leviathan        382
        Blackstone, Commentaries         384
        Savigny, Of the Vocation of our Age for Legislation and
Jurisprudence    386
        Savigny, System of the Modern Roman Law  389
        J.C. Carter, The Proposed Codification of our Common Law         393

        Livingston, A System of Penal Law for the State of Louisiana     395

        Swift v. Tyson   399
        Lorimer, Institutes of Law       401
        Austin, Jurisprudence    403
        Gray, Nature and Sources of the Law      407
        Holmes, The Path of the Law      416
        Pound, Law in Book and Law in Action     419
        Dernogue, Analyzis of Fundamental Notions        423
        Ehrlich, The Fundamental Principles of the Sociology of Law      426

        F.S. Cohen, Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach  429

        M.R. Cohen, On Absolutisms in Legal Thought      435


        Aristotle, Basic Works   440
        Rabelais, Gargantua      440
        Ehrlich, Judicial Freedom of Decision: Its Principles and Objects
        M.R. Cohen, The Process of Judicial Legislation  450
        Southern Pacific Co. v. Jensen   455
        Cardozo, The Nature of the Judicial Process      456
        Haines, General Observations on the Effects of Personal, Political,
and Economic Influences in the Decisions of Judges       461
        Hutchinson, The Judgment Intuitive: The Function of the "Hunch" in
Judicial Decisions       467
        Llewellyn, A Realistic Jurisprudence -- The Next Step    472
        Frank, What Courts Do in Fact    474
        F.S. Cohen, Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach  477


        1. The Nature and Scope of Legislation

        Spencer, Over-Legislation        484
        Maine, Early History of Institutions     485
        T.V. Smith, The Legislative Way of Life  487
        Horack, The Common Law of Legislation    491

        2. Statutory Interpretation

        Aristotle, Rhetoric      497
        Heydon's Case    498
        Pound, Common Law and Legislation        498
        M.R. Cohen, The Process of Judicial Legislation  503
        Radin, Statutory Interpretation  509
        Landis, A Note on "Statutory Interpretation"     514
        Frankfurter, Some Reflections on the Reading of Statutes         518

        Horack, The Disintegration of Statutory Construction     524

        Volume II


8. LAW AND LOGIC         529

        1. Logic, Experience and Scientific Method

        Holmes, The Common Law   530
        Radin, Law as Logic and Experience       532
        Cardozo, Paradoxes of Legal Science      534
        Pound, Mechanical Jurisprudence  535
        M.R. cohen, The Place of Logic in the Law        540
        Dewey, Logical Method and Law    552
        Oliphant and Hewitt, From the Physical to the Social Sciences    557

        M.R. Cohen, Law and Scientific Method    560

        2. The Logical Nature of Legal Propositions and Questions

        Oliphant, A Return to Stare Decisis      566
        F.S. Cohen, Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach  571

        Williams, Language and the Law   577
        F.S. Cohen, Field Theory and Judicial Logic      580
        F.S. Cohen, What is a Question?  586

        3. Logic and Ethics

        F.S. Cohen, The Ethical Basis of Legal Criticism         589

9. LAW AND ETHICS        594

        Kant, Philosophy of Law  595
        Stammler, Theory of Justice      597
        Kelsen, General Theory of Law and State  599
        Bentham, Theory of Legislation   599
        Russell, the Harm that Good Men Do       610
        Russell, Sceptical Essays        614
        M.R. Cohen, Reason and Nature    615
        F.S. Cohen, Ethical Systems and Legal Ideals     616
        F.S. Cohen, Modern Ethics and the Law    646
        F.S. Cohen, Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach  653

        Garlan, Legal Realism and Justice        655
        McDougal, Fuller v. The American Legal Realists: An Intervention


        Heraclitus, The Fragments        666
        Kant, Philosophy of Law  667
        M.R. Cohen, A Critique of Kant's Philosophy of Law       670
        Kohler, Philosophy of Law        674
        Von Jhering, In the Heaven of Legal Concepts     678
        Holmes, Natural Law      689
        M.R. Cohen, Justice Holmes and the Nature of Law         692
        M.R. Cohen, Reason and Nature    696
        F.S. Cohen, Field Theory and Judicial Logic      699


11. LAW AND HISTORY      709

        Kant, Idea of a Universal History from a Cosmopolitical Point of
View     710
        Kant, Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Essay     720
        Pound, Ethical and Religious Interpretations     726
        Pound, The Political Interpretation      729
        Bigelow and Adams, Centralization and the Law    735
        Beard, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United
States   747
        Myers, History of the Supreme Court      752
        Pound, The Economic Interpretation       753
        M.R. Cohen, Roscoe Pound         762
        Maitland, The Forms of Action at Common Law      763
        C.F. Clark and W.O. Douglas, Law and Legal Institutions  765
        Julius Stone, The Myths of Planning and Laissez-faire    723
        M.R. Cohen, Tourtoolon   779
        M.R. Cohen, History versus Value         782

12. LAW AND ANTHROPOLOGY         785

        Myres, The Influence of Anthropology on the Course of Political
Science  786
        Cairns, Law and the Social Sciences      791
        Driberg, At Home with the Savage         794
        Malimowski, Crime and Custom in Savage Society   796
        Lowie, Incorporeal Property in Primitive Society         798
        Lowie, Property Rights and Coercive Powers of Plains Indian Military
Societies        802
        Hoebel, Primitive Law and Modern         806
        Llewellyn and Hoebel, The Cheyenne Way   809
        Hallowell, The Nature and Function of Property as a Social
Institution      811


        1. Economic Systems and Their Legal Defenses

        Maitland, Constitutional History of England      824
        Holmes, Law and the Court        826
        M.R. Cohen, Socialism and Capitalism     828
        Arnold, The Symbols of Government        836
        Arnold, The Folklore of Capitalism       838
        Berle and Means, The Modern Corporation and Private Property     841

        2. Legal Factors in Economic Science

        Llewellyn, The Effect of Legal Institutions upon Economics       847

        R.L. Hale, Economics and Law     853

14. LAW AND POLITICS     860

        1. Law and Administration

        Hewart, The New Despotism        861
        Laski, Allen's "Bureaucracy Triumphant"  866
        T.R. Powell, Constitutional Metaphors    867
        Arnold, Substantive Law and Procedure    870
        F.S. Cohen, Colonialism: A Realistic Approach    873

        2. Separation and Distribution of Powers

        Aristotle, Politics      878
        Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Law       879
        Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia        880
        Baudin, Government by Judiciary  881
        M.R. Cphen, Constitutional and NAtural Rights in 1789 and Since  883

        3. Law as Coercion and Law as Consent

        Hobbes, Leviathan        888
        Locke, Two Treatises of Government       890
        Bentley, The Process of Government       891
        W. Beard, Government by Special Consent  895
        M.R. Cohen, The Meaning of Human History         898
        T.V. Smith, Consent and Coercion in Governing    903

        4. Political Ideals

        Laski, Foundation of Sovereignty         907
        M.R. Cohen, The Future of American Liberalism    913
Index    928

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