"Devine, James" wrote:
> Pen-l is quiet, too quiet, today. What you folks doin', watching the
> coronation on TV?

We had a very quick but (for us and considering the weather) nicely
attended and crisply executed "Alternate Inauguration" at the center of
Bloomington: for An Alternate Bush" -- i.e. a small juniper bush. I read
the alternate bush's inaugural address. We got good press coverage, so
it might help us build for March 19.

The speech (not written by me) was on the whole excellent. (And I'm
great at reading out loud ;->)

I defnitely did not watch the coronation -- I haven't watched so much as
a tv clip of one since January 1965.)


> Jim Devine, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> web: http://myweb.lmu.edu/jdevine/

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