Greetings Economists,
LP writes,
The blog has emerged as an important Internet medium. Unlike the more
horizontally oriented mailing list (let alone the anarchistically
free-for-all usenet), the blog is essentially a vertical medium. Some
personality with a bit of name recognition will set up a blog and hold
forth on various topics.

and LP writes,
Perhaps the most open recognition of this goal is the aptly named "Max
Speak, You Listen", the blog of Max Sawicky, an economist at EPI.

I think LP is not accurately describing the information generating
properties of blogs.  Since LP brought up Max's blog one might ask why Max's
blog is growing a stronger voice than say Pen-L?  First of all I think the
description about horizontally oriented mailing lists and vertical lists of
blogs is not a deep enough analysis of the two types of communication.
Especially the parallel with academics seems to me to not capture the
production process.

With the Maxspeak blog the relative content of Max's content is
substantially more complex and in depth than the average Pen-L commentary.
The chart references and commentary are much more in depth.  Now it's true
that it's lead by Max, but comments are as often at least as thoughtful as
Pen-L comments.  On the main in fact there seems to be a relationship
between the personal connection of the readers to a specific voice that
encourages a stronger voice in the comments and deeper tie in the readers.

Maxspeak also runs into the problem that blogs have not solved.  With 8000
unique visitors per day the connection between Max and community is at best
tenuous.  The remoteness of the blogger's role to their audience is directly
related to how much a blogger can actually respond to the whole audience the
upper bound for a really active social butterfly being about 1 or 2 thousand
unique visitors.

That's really the issue about horizontal and vertical issues arise.  The
connection process of blogs is very primitive.  For example I'll point to
the main collaborator on Maxspeak, the Sandwich Man.  Max referred to him as
his Ed McMahon.  Which I wonder about how much true horizontal relationship
they feel for each other.  It sounds unequal.  Probably that just means they
are ignoring the problem of the connection process more than their politics
is arrogant and unfeeling.  However they usually write their own piece with
little or nothing seemingly shared.

The connection process reflects something like this.  A child learns the
accents and language of their parents.  That is a collaborative connection
process.  The parent role is often authoritative, but children demand a lot
of parents.  It may be unequal in some ways but the flow back and forth in
creating a common connection is quite powerful.  So it goes with friendships
and sexual partners as well.  In a text based site like Maxspeak one could
say that the two of them could work on a single published essay, but the two
of them usually don't do that.  One could easily imagine collaborating on
single document.  The old Sid Caesar show where comedy writers sat together
and threw out ideas for the weekly show and someone collected the jokes and
sewed them together is good live version of collaboration.

I also think LP ignores the asynchronous nature of mail lists and blogs.
Unlike real time conversation the capacity to add content depth through
asynchrony makes a significant difference to the academic example LP reaches

I think the analogy with academia is faulty and the analysis that refers to
horizontal and vertical organization of information is too superficial.
One could easily imagine in a technical sense through P2P techniques doing
what Max does, and utilizing the closer emotional ties that his blog
engenders to build a left strong organization of a new type.

I think Max is a pioneer of a direction in left thought.  Primarily in the
easy touch with humor and analytical depth.  I don't think Max has mastered
collaboration or the theory of it.  Also Sandwichman is not well showcased
for his virtues in Maxspeak.  These weaknesses of the concept over time will
be addressed by new teams that have more of focus on collaboration
processes.  But the example comparing the Maxspeak weblog with Pen-L gives a
sense of how to think about the left on the internet that is well worth
considering.  Not in the sense that LP says of horizontal and vertical but
greater connection between audience and the left talker.

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